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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit.
Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.

Veterans Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Veterans

CONTEXT: Qatar releases 8 Indian Navy veterans; 7 return home

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone who used to be a superhero, someone who did brave things like protecting people and solving big problems. After doing these superhero tasks for a long time, they become a kind of super-special superhero called a “veteran.” They know a lot because they’ve seen and done so much to help others. It’s like being a superhero who has been on many adventures and now has a lot of stories to tell.

MEANING: People who have served in the military; individuals with a lot of experience in a particular field (noun).


SYNONYMS: Ex-serviceman, retired soldier, warhorse, old hand, seasoned, expert.

1. Many veterans march in the parade to celebrate their bravery and service.
2. She’s considered a veteran teacher with decades of experience in education.
3. The company values veterans for their exceptional discipline and work ethic.
4. At the industry conference, veterans shared valuable insights from their years of work.


WORD-2: Tenterhooks

CONTEXT: The case of the eight Indian Navy veterans have kept India-Qatar relation on tenterhooks as the matter became an issue of diplomatic tug of war since they were arrested in August 2022 and the cause of the arrest was never publicised.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re waiting so eagerly for something exciting, like your birthday or a holiday, that you feel like you’re sitting on tiny, uncomfortable hooks that make you squirm and can’t stay still. That feeling of being so nervous and excited at the same time, where you can hardly wait to see what happens, is what “tenterhooks” means. It’s like when you’re watching a really suspenseful movie and can’t wait to see what happens next.

MEANING: A state of anxious suspense or eagerness, where one feels nervous anticipation or impatience (noun).


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SYNONYMS: On edge, anxious, antsy, nervous, jittery, on pins and needles.

1. I was on tenterhooks waiting for the results of the competition.
2. The audience was on tenterhooks during the thrilling movie.
3. Waiting for the exam results had everyone on tenterhooks.
4. She spent the whole day on tenterhooks, waiting for the call about her job application.


WORD-3: Tug

CONTEXT: The case of the eight Indian Navy veterans have kept India-Qatar relation on tenterhooks as the matter became an issue of diplomatic tug of war since they were arrested in August 2022 and the cause of the arrest was never publicised.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you and your friend both want to play with the same toy, so you each grab an end and pull towards yourselves. That pulling action, when you try to bring something closer by pulling it hard, is called a “tug.” It’s like playing a game of tug-of-war, where each team pulls on the rope to bring it towards them.

MEANING: To pull something with a quick, forceful motion, often in a struggle to move it towards oneself (verb).


SYNONYMS: Pull, yank, drag, haul, heave, jerk.

1. The child tugged at her mother’s hand, eager to show her something.
2. He tugged the rope to signal the start of the game.
3. She tugged her suitcase off the conveyor belt at the airport.
4. The dog tugged on its leash, trying to chase the squirrel.

Diplomatic Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Diplomatic

CONTEXT: The case of the eight Indian Navy veterans have kept India-Qatar relation on tenterhooks as the matter became an issue of diplomatic tug of war since they were arrested in August 2022 and the cause of the arrest was never publicised.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about when you and your friend want different things, but you find a way to talk and make everyone happy without fighting. Being “diplomatic” is like that. It means you’re really good at dealing with people in a way that avoids problems and makes everyone feel okay about the solution. It’s like being a superhero of peace, making sure everyone gets along and feels heard.

MEANING: Involving the management of relationships between countries in a way that is sensitive and tactful (adjective); skilled in dealing with sensitive matters or people (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Tactful, sensitive, polite, suave, courteous, considerate.

1. The teacher’s diplomatic approach resolved the classroom dispute peacefully.
2. Being diplomatic at the meeting helped them reach an agreement.
3. His diplomatic answer satisfied both parties involved.
4. She is known for her diplomatic way of handling difficult situations.


WORD-5: Procedural

CONTEXT: The Senate, which has a very slim Democratic majority, voted 67-27 to break a procedural hold placed on the bill, making it almost certain it will pass a final simple-majority vote around midweek

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a special way of doing your morning routine, like first you brush your teeth, then you get dressed, and finally, you have breakfast. This special way or order of doing things is what “procedural” means. It’s like having a set of rules or steps to follow to make sure things are done the right way, just like following a recipe when you bake cookies to make sure they come out perfect.

MEANING: Related to the process or procedure of doing something, following a set of specific steps or rules to achieve a certain result (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Methodical, systematic, routine, formal, orderly, regulatory.

1. The procedural steps must be followed to complete the project successfully.
2. There was a procedural error in the way the application was processed.
3. The new employees were trained in the procedural aspects of their job.
4. Adhering to procedural guidelines ensured the event ran smoothly.


WORD-6: Ally

CONTEXT: The $95 billion package includes funding for Israel’s fight against Hamas militants and for key strategic ally Taiwan, but the lion’s share would help pro-Western Ukraine restock depleted ammunition supplies, weapons and other crucial needs as it enters a third year of war.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about your best friend, someone who stands by you, helps you when you’re in trouble, and cheers for you when you’re trying to do something hard. An “ally” is just like that friend. It’s someone or a country that agrees to help and support another because they share the same goals or enemies. It’s like being on the same team and helping each other out.

MEANING: A person, group, or nation that joins forces with another for a common purpose, offering support and cooperation (noun).


SYNONYMS: Partner, supporter, friend, collaborator, confederate, associate.

1. The two countries have been allies for many years.
2. In difficult times, it’s important to know who your true allies are.
3. They worked as allies to promote environmental awareness.
4. The organization sought allies to help fund their project.


WORD-7: Depleted

CONTEXT: The $95 billion package includes funding for Israel’s fight against Hamas militants and for key strategic ally Taiwan, but the lion’s share would help pro-Western Ukraine restock depleted ammunition supplies, weapons and other crucial needs as it enters a third year of war.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a box of your favorite cookies, and you keep eating them until there’s none left. When the cookies are all gone, the box is “depleted.” It means you’ve used up all of something, and now there’s very little or nothing left. It’s like when you play with your toys so much that the batteries run out and they can’t move anymore.

MEANING: Used up or greatly reduced in amount, leaving very little or nothing behind (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Exhausted, drained, spent, diminished, empty, used up.

1. After the long race, her energy was completely depleted.
2. The depleted battery needed to be charged.
3. Their food supplies were depleted by the end of the trip.
4. The water levels in the reservoir have been severely depleted.

Coinciding Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Coinciding

CONTEXT: It is unusual for the Senate to hold votes on the weekend, with Sunday’s session also coinciding with the all-important NFL championship game.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you and your friend decide to go to the playground at the exact same time without planning it. That happening at the same time by chance is called “coinciding.” It’s like when two things happen together, like if it starts raining right when you start singing a song about rain. It’s a fun surprise when things match up like that!

MEANING: Occurring at the same time or corresponding in a notable way (verb).


SYNONYMS: Concurrent, simultaneous, synchronizing, coincidental, overlapping, concomitant.

1. The two events coinciding caused a lot of confusion.
2. Their vacations coincided, so they planned a trip together.
3. It was purely coinciding that they both arrived at the same moment.
4. The release of the movie coincided with the actor’s birthday.

WORD-9: Dysfunction

CONTEXT: However, much of the dysfunction has been blamed directly on Trump, who looks almost certain to be the Republican standard-bearer in November despite losing the presidency to Biden in 2020 and being embroiled in criminal charges.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if a toy you really like stops working the way it’s supposed to, like a car that won’t roll or a doll whose eyes won’t open. That toy has a “dysfunction,” which means something in it isn’t working right. It’s like when something that should do a job doesn’t do it well or at all, and it needs some help or fixing to make it work again.

MEANING: Abnormality or impairment in the function of a specified bodily organ or system (noun).


SYNONYMS: Malfunction, disorder, impairment, abnormality, breakdown, defect.

1. The machine’s dysfunction halted production for hours.
2. A dysfunction in the body’s immune system can lead to illness.
3. The team suffered from dysfunction due to poor communication.
4. Repairing the electronic dysfunction required expert assistance.

Bipartisan Picture Vocabulary

WORD-10: Bipartisan

CONTEXT: A hard-fought bipartisan compromise — combining Ukraine and Israel aid with some of the toughest immigration curbs in decades — was initially celebrated as a breakthrough on some of the most consequential issues facing the country.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if two teams at school, usually competing against each other, decide to work together on a big project because they both think it’s a really good idea. “Bipartisan” is when two groups, especially in politics, who usually don’t agree on many things, decide to cooperate and support the same cause or decision. It’s like sharing toys or working together to build something awesome, even if you usually play on different sides of the playground.

MEANING: Involving cooperation between two different political groups or parties (Adjective).


SYNONYMS: Cross-party, nonpartisan, cooperative, joint, collaborative, united.

1. The bill was passed with bipartisan support in the congress.
2. A bipartisan committee was formed to address the issue.
3. The initiative’s success was due to bipartisan efforts.
4. They worked on a bipartisan solution to the problem.



Vocabulary Sentence

Title: “Building Bridges with Words: Learning the ‘Vocabulary Sentence’ Way”

The task of mastering language stretches beyond the realm of solitary words. It invites us to construct and comprehend a ‘vocabulary sentence’. This amalgamation of words into meaningful sentences adds layers to our linguistic prowess. However, effectively learning from a ‘vocabulary sentence’ requires some strategic insight. So, how should we approach it?

Firstly, when encountering a ‘vocabulary sentence’, it’s pivotal to comprehend the word in context. Deciphering its place and role in the sentence gives a deeper insight into the word’s meaning, usage, and nuances. This approach aids in firm retention and active application of words.

Another technique to master a ‘vocabulary sentence’ is to break it into manageable chunks. Look at each word, understand its function, and then put it all together to comprehend the sentence as a whole. This step-by-step dissection and understanding better cements the ‘vocabulary sentence’ into your learning.

Mimicking the prosody and rhythm of language while practicing ‘vocabulary sentence’ can also foster better learning. In this regard, listening to podcasts or watching videos in the target language can be exceptionally beneficial. They showcase real-life demonstrations of how words are strung together into sentences with correct stress patterns and intonations.

Lastly, crafting your own ‘vocabulary sentence’ with learnt words strengthens understanding and boosts recall. Be it during conversation or writing, actively using these sentences plays a key role in contextual learning.

In essence, unfolding a ‘vocabulary sentence’ is a treasure trove of learning opportunities. With proper understanding, breaking sentences into chunks, mimicking prosody, and actively crafting sentences, the journey of learning from a ‘vocabulary sentence’ becomes engaging and fruitful. Every sentence learnt and applied is a valuable catch in the linguistic sea!

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