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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
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Subsidised Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Subsidised
CONTEXT: the spectrum have leaned towards initiatives that promise immediate results, such as new hospitals, subsidised treatments in private hospitals, emergency response (over preventive response), and populist health policies.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you want to buy a toy, but it’s too expensive. Then, someone gives you some money to help pay for it, so now you can buy it. That’s what it means when something is subsidised. It’s like getting help to pay for things that are important or good for you.
Meaning: Provided with financial support to reduce the cost (adjective).
Pronunciation: SUB-si-dized
Synonyms: Supported, funded, sponsored, assisted, financed, underwritten, backed.
Usage Examples:
1. The government subsidised the cost of solar panels for homes.
2. Many schools receive subsidised lunches for students.
3. Public transportation is often subsidised to make fares cheaper.
4. Subsidised housing provides affordable homes for low-income families.

Constraints Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Constraints
CONTEXT: Many of these measures do not have much of an impact because of a lack of action beyond public announcements, which is almost always due to budgetary constraints.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you want to run around and play, but you have to stay inside a small room. The room is like a rule that stops you from going everywhere you want. Constraints are like those rules or limits that tell you what you can’t do or where you can’t go.
Meaning: Limitations or restrictions (noun).
Pronunciation: con-STRAYNTS
Synonyms: Restrictions, limitations, boundaries, confines, restraints, checks, controls.
Usage Examples:
1. There are constraints on how much time we can spend on the computer.
2. The budget constraints limited the scope of the project.
3. Physical constraints prevent the building from being expanded.
4. Legal constraints protect personal information online.


WORD-3: Overarching
CONTEXT: The contemporary Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme For Holistic Nourishment (POSHAN) Abhiyan Scheme plans to reduce stunting by 2%, undernutrition by 2%, anaemia by 3%, and low birth weight by 2% every year.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Think of a big umbrella that covers everything underneath it when it rains. Overarching is like that umbrella, but instead of rain, it talks about ideas or rules that cover or affect everything in a certain situation.
Meaning: Encompassing or covering everything (adjective).
Pronunciation: oh-ver-ARCH-ing
Synonyms: Comprehensive, overall, all-encompassing, broad, sweeping, general, widespread.
Usage Examples:
1. The overarching theme of the book is about friendship.
2. There’s an overarching plan for the city’s development.
3. The overarching goal of the policy is to improve health.
4. Her overarching concern was the safety of the children.


WORD-4: Prevalence
CONTEXT: The prevalence of anaemic children aged 6-59 months increased from 58.6% to 67.1%, and 54.1% to 59.1% among women aged 15-19 years.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you have a favorite game that almost everyone in school is playing. That game is very common or popular right now. Prevalence is a fancy word to say how common or widespread something is, like a game, an idea, or even a cold.
Meaning: The state of being widespread or common (noun).
Pronunciation: PREV-uh-lence
Synonyms: Commonness, widespreadness, ubiquity, pervasiveness, frequency, regularity, dominance.
Usage Examples:
1. The prevalence of smartphones has changed how we communicate.
2. There’s a high prevalence of flu cases this winter.
3. Researchers study the prevalence of certain diseases in different areas.
4. The prevalence of online shopping has grown over the years.

Undeniable Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Undeniable
CONTEXT: The influence of the pharmaceutical industry in public health is undeniable.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Think about when you know something is true for sure, like the sky is blue. If something is undeniable, it means everyone agrees it’s true and you can’t say it’s not.
Meaning: Cannot be denied or disputed; unquestionable (adjective).
Pronunciation: un-de-NYE-uh-bul
Synonyms: Indisputable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, irrefutable, incontestable, unarguable, unmistakable.
Usage Examples:
1. The undeniable truth is that the earth orbits the sun.
2. Her talent for singing is undeniable.
3. The success of the event was undeniable.
4. The evidence against the suspect was undeniable.

WORD-6: Malleable
CONTEXT: while cognitive skills are malleable and less dependent on educational investments, their assessment through traditional achievement tests remains complex and potentially misleading.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you have a piece of clay. You can squish it, stretch it, and shape it into anything you want. Malleable means something can be easily changed or shaped, just like the clay.
Meaning: Capable of being shaped or formed; easily influenced or altered (adjective).
Pronunciation: MAL-ee-uh-bul
Synonyms: Pliable, flexible, adaptable, bendable, pliant, ductile, workable.
Usage Examples:
1. Gold is a malleable metal that can be shaped into jewelry.
2. Children’s minds are malleable and influenced by their environment.
3. The malleable material was used to create a sculpture.
4. His attitude is malleable and changes with the situation.


WORD-7: Laudatory
CONTEXT: Among these was the laudatory statement by the WEF’s President that India was a $10 trillion economy in the making.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you did something really good, and everyone is saying nice things about what you did. When people are laudatory, they are giving praise or saying very good things about someone or something.
Meaning: Expressing praise and commendation (adjective).
Pronunciation: LAW-duh-tor-ee
Synonyms: Praiseful, complimentary, admiring, applauding, commendatory, acclamatory, eulogistic.
Usage Examples:
1. She received laudatory comments for her brilliant performance.
2. The review of the book was highly laudatory.
3. The teacher’s laudatory feedback encouraged the students.
4. He gave a laudatory speech at the retirement party.


WORD-8: Unequalising
CONTEXT: It is not just that the growth we are witnessing is unequalising, it is that it appears to be making little difference to the income levels of the poorest.
SOURCE:The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Think about a race where one person gets to start way ahead of everyone else. That’s not fair, right? Unequalising means making things not equal or fair for everyone, like letting someone have a big head start in a race.
Meaning: Making things unequal or unfair (adjective).
Pronunciation: un-EE-kwuh-lize-ing
Synonyms: Unbalancing, disproportionating, biasing, skewing, tilting, favoring, advantaging.
Usage Examples:
1. The new policy was seen as unequalising the competition.
2. Unequalising factors in education can affect students’ success.
3. They debated the unequalising effects of the tax system.
4. Measures were taken to avoid unequalising treatment of employees.


WORD-9: Quotations
CONTEXT: These are based on actual market quotations rather than responses given to surveys.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine someone said something really smart or funny, and you want to tell someone else exactly what they said. When you repeat someone else’s words exactly, that’s called a quotation. It’s like copying someone’s words to show or tell others.
Meaning: The act of repeating words from a text or speech by someone else (noun).
Pronunciation: kwo-TAY-shuns
Synonyms: Citations, excerpts, passages, extracts, lines, sayings, phrases.
Usage Examples:
1. The book is filled with quotations from famous authors.
2. She used a quotation from Shakespeare in her speech.
3. The article included several quotations from the interview.
4. He began his essay with a quotation about freedom.


WORD-10 Defecation
CONTEXT: The persistence of open defecation, which reflects an unwillingness to shift to practices that contribute to the greater public good, is an example of this.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: When you eat, your body uses the food and then gets rid of what it doesn’t need. When you go to the bathroom to poop, that’s called defecation. It’s the body’s way of getting rid of waste.
Meaning: The act of expelling feces from the body (noun).
Pronunciation: def-eh-KAY-shun
Synonyms: Bowel movement, excretion, stool passing, voiding of bowels, evacuation, discharge.
Usage Examples:
1. Proper sanitation facilities are important for healthy defecation.
2. Animals have different defecation habits.
3. The doctor asked questions about his defecation patterns.
4. Defecation is a normal part of the digestive process.



Vocabulary Meaning and Examples

Title: “Diving Beyond Definitions: Exploring ‘Vocabulary Meaning and Examples'”

In the fascinating world of language learning, a method particularly impactful is learning ‘vocabulary meaning and examples’. Harnessing this dual approach of understanding words through definitions and relevant examples yields a sound vocabulary grasp. Let’s explore how we can effectively learn vocabulary using ‘meaning and examples’.

Foremost, recognizing ‘meaning and examples’ involves more than just a surface glance at the definition. It requires an engaged interaction with the word, placing it within a proper context. This enriches comprehension and facilitates an innate understanding of the word’s applications.

The process of learning ‘meaning and examples’ is made highly effective through varied resources. Reading literature, online articles, and language learning platforms offer numerous examples enriching the meanings. By frequently encountering a word in various contexts, the understanding of the ‘meaning and examples’ deepens, imprinting the word into long-term memory.

When learning ‘meaning and examples’, creating personal sentences is recommended. Develop your own examples using the given word. This personal connection between learned vocabulary and your everyday life context strengthens both familiarity and recall.

Moreover, taking notes while studying ‘meaning and examples’ goes a long way in mastering vocabulary. Jotting down the definition and a couple of examples for reference leads to better recall during revisions.

Finally, teach to learn. A tried-and-true method to solidify ‘meaning and examples’ is by explaining the word to someone else. This exercise forces you to articulate the word’s usage and understanding clearly, embedding it further in your memory.

In conclusion, the journey to learn ‘vocabulary meaning and examples’ is a rewarding process that involves a multifaceted approach. As you dive into the rich experience of understanding words through ‘meaning and examples’, you uncover the nuance and depth of language, enabling you to master it in its true sense.

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