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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
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WORD-1: Vindicate

CONTEXT: The announcement marks a formal beginning but campaigning has become a perennial affair of Indian politics as if to vindicate the ruling BJP’s call for ‘one nation, one poll’, which it argues will reduce the time spent in electioneering.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think of vindicate like when you clean your room after your mom says it’s messy, and then you show her it’s all tidy. You prove to her that your room isn’t always messy. Vindicate means showing everyone that you were right or fair, especially when they thought you were not.

MEANING: To clear from blame or suspicion (verb)

PRONUNCIATION: vin-di-kate

SYNONYMS: justify, defend, prove, exonerate, absolve.

1. She was vindicated when the truth came out, and everyone realized she was innocent.
2. The new evidence vindicated his claim that he was not at the scene of the crime.
3. He felt vindicated when his idea, initially rejected, proved to be a success.
4. The court decision vindicated the rights of the accused.

Exhilarating Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Exhilarating

CONTEXT: India has enough reasons to be proud of its vibrant democracy and exhilarating diversity, an honest introspection can be sobering.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Exhilarating is like when you go super fast on a swing and feel really happy and excited. It’s the fun and thrilling feeling you get when you do something that makes your heart race.

MEANING: Making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling (adjective)

PRONUNCIATION: ex-hil-a-ra-ting

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SYNONYMS: thrilling, exciting, stimulating, invigorating, electrifying

1. The roller coaster ride was so exhilarating that I wanted to go again.
2. Climbing to the top of the mountain was an exhilarating experience.
3. She found the fast-paced game of basketball to be exhilarating.
4. The exhilarating news of winning the lottery left them in high spirits.

Introspection Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Introspection

CONTEXT: India has enough reasons to be proud of its vibrant democracy and exhilarating diversity, an honest introspection can be sobering.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Introspection is like when you think really hard about your own feelings and why you do things. It’s like looking inside your mind to understand yourself better.

MEANING: The examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings (noun)

PRONUNCIATION: in-tro-spec-tion

SYNONYMS: self-examination, reflection, contemplation, self-analysis, self-observation

1. After the argument, he engaged in introspection to understand his actions.
2. Introspection helped her realize why she was feeling so anxious.
3. The book encourages introspection to find true happiness.
4. Introspection can lead to personal growth and self-awareness.

Blaring Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Blaring

CONTEXT: its propaganda has been blaring, the Opposition’s attempts to critique it have been feeble.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Blaring is like when the TV or music is turned up really loud, so loud that it can be annoying or hard to ignore. It’s the noisy sound that you can hear from far away.

MEANING: Making a loud and harsh noise (adjective)


SYNONYMS: loud, noisy, booming, deafening, ear-splitting

1. The blaring alarm woke everyone up in the middle of the night.
2. Music was blaring from the car’s speakers.
3. She shouted over the blaring sirens of the fire trucks.
4. The blaring horn of the ship signaled its departure.

Tilting Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Tilting

CONTEXT: The fact that the principal Opposition party’s bank account is restricted on the basis of an alleged procedural lapse, which is a minor one even if proven, says a lot about how state agencies are tilting the scales.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Tilting is like when you lean to one side while trying to balance on one foot, or when you tilt a cup to pour out the juice. It’s moving something so it’s not straight up anymore.

MEANING: Leaning or causing to lean to one side (verb)


SYNONYMS: leaning, slanting, tipping, angling, inclining

1. The tree was tilting dangerously after the storm.
2. He tilted his head to show he was listening carefully.
3. The boat started tilting to one side as it took on water.
4. She tilted the jug to pour the milk.


WORD-6: Prolonged

CONTEXT: Opposition leaders have questioned the need for such a prolonged poll schedule.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Prolonged is like when your playtime gets extended, and you get to play longer than usual. It means something lasts for a longer time or is stretched out.

MEANING: Continuing for a long or extended period of time (adjective)


SYNONYMS: extended, lengthy, protracted, sustained, drawn-out

1. The prolonged drought caused severe water shortages.
2. He experienced prolonged illness before recovering fully.
3. The prolonged negotiation ended with a satisfactory agreement.
4. Their vacation was prolonged due to the unexpected weather.


WORD-7: Equivocation

CONTEXT: the ECI’s equivocation is unwarranted, particularly after the Court has settled the question.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Equivocation is like when someone doesn’t give a straight answer to a question, but instead, they say something confusing or tricky that could mean different things. It’s like avoiding giving a clear answer.

MEANING: The use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself (noun)

PRONUNCIATION: ee-quiv-o-ca-tion

SYNONYMS: prevarication, ambiguity, evasion, hedging, vacillation

1. His equivocation on the subject made everyone suspect he was hiding something.
2. The politician’s equivocation during the debate frustrated the audience.
3. Equivocation in legal documents can lead to misunderstandings.
4. She noticed his tendency for equivocation when asked about his past.


WORD-8: Predicted

CONTEXT: the scheme has played out exactly as its detractors predicted. Fears that shell companies and loss-making entities may be used to buy the electoral bonds and donate them to parties seem to have come true.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Predicted means guessing what will happen in the future, like when you predict it’s going to rain because the sky is dark and cloudy. It’s like making a smart guess about what’s coming next.

MEANING: Stated or estimated something will happen in the future (verb)

PRONUNCIATION: pre-dict-ed

SYNONYMS: forecasted, foretold, projected, anticipated, expected

1. The weatherman predicted rain for the weekend.
2. She predicted he would win the competition, and she was right.
3. The predicted outcome of the game was a close match.
4. Economists have predicted a rise in job growth next year.

WORD-9: Correlation

CONTEXT: The role of investigative agencies has been politically controversial, especially under the present regime, but the strong correlation between searches and arrests on one hand, and the dates of purchase of bonds on the other, shows the Centre in a bad light.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Correlation is like when you notice that when you smile, your friend smiles back. It means when two things are related in some way, so when one thing happens, the other thing tends to happen too.

MEANING: A mutual relationship between two or more things

PRONUNCIATION: cor-re-la-tion

SYNONYMS: connection, relationship, association, link, interdependence

1. The study showed a strong correlation between exercise and improved health.
2. There is a correlation between the amount of study time and exam scores.
3. Researchers are investigating the correlation between diet and disease.
4. The correlation between smoking and lung cancer is well documented.


WORD-10: Exodus

CONTEXT: This exodus of journalists has been mirrored by the population at large, as vast numbers of Myanmar citizens — over two million within Myanmar and some 1.5 million refugee seekers — have been forced from their homes since the coup.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Exodus is like when everyone leaves a place at the same time, like when school ends and all the kids rush out to go home. It’s a big group of people moving away from a place together.

MEANING: A mass departure of people (noun)


SYNONYMS: departure, migration, emigration, flight, retreat

1. The war caused a massive exodus of refugees seeking safety.
2. There was an exodus of workers from the city to the suburbs.
3. The exodus of fans from the stadium after the game caused traffic jams.
4. The company faced an exodus of employees after the merger announcement.



Vocabulary Pronunciation

Title: “Sounds of Speech: Guiding Principles to Master ‘Vocabulary Pronunciation'”

The dance of language learning comprises two inseparable partners: vocabulary and pronunciation. The rhythm of this dance is best enjoyed when both partners are in sync. Essentially, mastering ‘vocabulary pronunciation’ is key to expressing and understanding a language effectively. However, what is the ideal approach to learn ‘vocabulary pronunciation’?

Firstly, the process of learning ‘vocabulary pronunciation’ isn’t a sprint. Rather, it’s a marathon where consistency is vital. A gradual and steady pace of learning new words and their pronunciation offers enough time to effectively practice and commit them to memory.

Secondly, to master ‘vocabulary pronunciation’, go beyond written text. Dwell in the world of audible language, such as documentaries, podcasts, music, or language-learning apps that provide pronunciation guides. These memorable auditory experiences aid in refining your ‘vocabulary pronunciation’ and offer a glimpse into the authentic sounds of the language.

Another beneficial strategy for learning ‘vocabulary pronunciation’ involves the use of phonetic transcriptions. They offer systematic approaches to understanding the sound system of a language, thereby improving pronunciation.

Most importantly, do not shy away from practicing your ‘vocabulary pronunciation’. Be it in a language exchange meeting, a conversation with a native speaker, or even a self-recording session, active verbalization massively boosts your pronunciation prowess.

Lastly, always remember to train your ears as much as you train your tongue. Listening carefully to native speakers helps you capture the subtleties of ‘vocabulary pronunciation’, contributing to better delivery when you speak.

In conclusion, mastering ‘vocabulary pronunciation’ is not an overnight journey. It’s a process of intentional practice, sustained listening, conscientious reflection and active usage. As you chart this course with diligence and patience, you will witness your ‘vocabulary pronunciation’ skills blossom, leading you to communicate with greater fluency and confidence.

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