
Daily Vocabulary from ‘The Hindu’: March 7, 2024

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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
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WORD-1: Acquittal
CONTEXT: Their acquittal by the Bombay High Court is notable for giving full meaning to the procedural safeguards that countervail the stringency of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you’re playing a game where you’re pretending to be a knight, and someone says you took their cookie without asking, which is against the rules. But after looking into it, everyone decides you didn’t take the cookie after all. So, they say you didn’t do anything wrong, and you can keep playing the game as if nothing happened. That’s what acquittal means – it’s like saying, “You didn’t break the rule.”
Meaning: A legal decision that someone is not guilty of a crime they were charged with (noun).
Pronunciation: uh-KWIT-ul
Synonyms: Exoneration, Absolution, Clearance, Release, Discharge, Vindication
Usage Examples:
1. The jury’s verdict was an acquittal, freeing the accused from all charges.
2. After years of legal battle, his acquittal brought relief to his family.
3. The evidence presented led to the defendant’s acquittal.
4. Public reaction to the high-profile acquittal was mixed, with some celebrating and others dismayed.

WORD-2: Dubious
CONTEXT: The case will also be remembered for a dubious reason: the Supreme Court’s hasty intervention to stay their discharge by the High Court in 2022.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine if someone told you they saw a fish walking on the street. You might scrunch up your face and think, “Hmm, that doesn’t sound right.” You’re not sure you believe them because it’s a strange idea. Dubious is when you feel unsure or think something might not be true.
Meaning: Hesitating or doubting; not to be relied upon (adjective).
Pronunciation: DOO-bee-us
Synonyms: Skeptical, Uncertain, Doubtful, Questionable, Suspicious, Wary
Usage Examples:
1. She gave him a dubious look when he explained why he was late.
2. The plan sounds good but somewhat dubious in its practicality.
3. His claims were considered dubious by the experts.
4. The dubious nature of the evidence made the jury hesitant.

WORD-3: Repudiation
CONTEXT: The latest judgment is a complete repudiation of the prosecution case, holding that the seizure effected from the accused was not proved, the material relied upon by the state was inadequate and that there was nothing to link the accused with any terrorist act, conspiracy or membership of any Maoist organisation.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Think about when you promise to trade your apple for a friend’s sandwich, but later you decide you want to keep your apple and not trade after all. Repudiation is like saying “no” to a promise or saying you won’t do something you said you would.
Meaning: Rejection or denial of a proposal or idea; refusal to accept (noun).
Pronunciation: re-pyoo-DEE-ay-shun
Synonyms: Rejection, Denial, Disavowal, Refusal, Disowning, Renunciation
Usage Examples:
1. The politician’s repudiation of his earlier statements caused a stir.
2. Her repudiation of the deal surprised everyone.
3. The company issued a repudiation of the allegations against it.
4. His repudiation of his previous testimony shocked the courtroom.

WORD-4: Cognisance
CONTEXT: the trial court had taken cognisance of the charge sheet against Mr. Saibaba even before the sanction, which came later, had been received.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you’re playing a detective game where you need to notice all the clues around you. When you see a clue and think about how it helps solve the mystery, that’s like taking cognisance. It means you’re aware of something and thinking about it carefully.
Meaning: Awareness, notice, or understanding of something; being conscious of what is happening (noun).
Pronunciation: KOG-nuh-sans
Synonyms: Awareness, Recognition, Acknowledgment, Perception, Consciousness, Understanding
Usage Examples:
1. The judge took cognisance of the new evidence presented in the case.
2. She has a strong cognisance of her cultural heritage.
3. Taking cognisance of the issue, the council promised to act.
4. His cognisance of the problem led to a quick solution.

WORD-5: Stringent
CONTEXT: In its discussion on the use of UAPA against the accused, the Court has again emphasised that the more stringent a law is, the greater will be the need to adhere to procedural safeguards — the independent review was an additional safeguard introduced in UAPA in 2008.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you have rules at home like you must clean up your toys after playing or finish homework before watching TV. If these rules are very strict and your parents make sure you follow them exactly, that’s like being stringent. It means being very careful and strict about what’s allowed or what must be done.
Meaning: Strict, precise, and exacting (adjective).
Pronunciation: STRIN-jent
Synonyms: Strict, Rigorous, Tight, Severe, Harsh, Inflexible
Usage Examples:
1. The new laws were more stringent than the old ones.
2. Stringent safety standards were put in place at the construction site.
3. She was known for her stringent discipline.
4. The stringent guidelines helped improve the quality of their products.


WORD-6: Inexplicable
CONTEXT: it is inexplicable why there was so much of a time lag for Tirukkoyilur even though the Madras High Court’s order of conviction was not stayed by the Supreme Court, which had only exempted Mr. Ponmudy and his wife from surrendering despite the High Court’s sentence of three-year simple imprisonment.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you find a picture you didn’t draw, or toys move by themselves in your room. You can’t figure out how it happened because it’s so strange and there’s no reason for it. Inexplicable is when something is so weird or hard to understand that you just can’t explain it.
Meaning: Unable to be explained or accounted for (adjective).
Pronunciation: in-EK-spli-kuh-bul
Synonyms: Unexplainable, Mysterious, Puzzling, Baffling, Perplexing, Unaccountable
Usage Examples:
1. The magician performed an inexplicable trick.
2. She felt an inexplicable sadness that day.
3. The disappearance of the painting remains inexplicable.
4. An inexplicable noise kept him awake at night.


WORD-7: Revocation
CONTEXT: the BJP warmed up to its potential, and immediately after the revocation of Article 370 in 2019, began the prep work for it.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you have permission to go to a friend’s house, but then you don’t finish your chores as promised. Your parent says now you can’t go. That’s like revocation – it’s when an allowed thing or permission is taken back because rules weren’t followed or minds were changed.
Meaning: The official cancellation of a decree, decision, or promise (noun).
Pronunciation: reh-voh-KAY-shun
Synonyms: Cancellation, Repeal, Withdrawal, Annulling, Rescindment, Nullification
Usage Examples:
1. The revocation of his driving license was a severe punishment.
2. Due to new evidence, the decision saw a revocation.
3. The policy’s revocation led to widespread confusion.
4. Her scholarship faced revocation after the incident.

WORD-8: Enacting
CONTEXT: The government introduced the Bill last August, but put off enacting it during the winter 2023 session due to large-scale protests by Gujjars.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you and your friends decide to make up a new rule for your game, like saying “every time you pass this tree, you have to do a little dance.” Once you all agree, that rule starts to be used in your game. Enacting is like making a new rule or law and then starting to use it.
Meaning: Making into a law or a rule (Verb).
Pronunciation: en-AKT-ing
Synonyms: Passing, Legislate, Implementing, Instituting, Establishing, Ordaining
Usage Examples:
1. The government is considering enacting a new environmental policy.
2. Enacting these regulations will help protect consumers.
3. The process of enacting the law took several months.
4. They are working on enacting changes to improve safety.


WORD-9: Enumeration
CONTEXT: Those identifying as Pahari-speakers constitute 7% of the total J&K population, that is about 9.7 lakh, according to the language/mother tongue data published in 2018 by the Census based on the 2011 enumeration. Gujjars, who speak Gujjari or Gojri, are 11.35 lakh.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you have a collection of toy cars and you want to tell your friend about each one. You start saying, “I have a red one, a blue one, a big one, and one that can change colors.” When you list things like this, one after another, that’s called enumeration. It’s like counting or listing things out loud or on paper.
Meaning: The action of mentioning a number of things one by one (noun).
Pronunciation: ee-NOO-muh-ray-shun
Synonyms: Listing, Counting, Itemization, Cataloging, Recitation, Tallying
Usage Examples:
1. The report included a detailed enumeration of the steps taken.
2. Enumeration of the facts was essential for the research.
3. His speech included an enumeration of the company’s achievements.
4. The document provides an enumeration of all known species.


WORD-10 Fragmented
CONTEXT Everyone else is counted as Pahari. Without official recognition until now, Paharis were fragmented by their other identities.
SOURCE: The Hindu
Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you have a cookie, and it breaks into many small pieces. Now, instead of one big cookie, you have lots of little cookie bits. That’s what fragmented is like. It means something that used to be whole is now in many separate parts.
Meaning: Broken or divided into pieces, not functioning as a whole (adjective).
Pronunciation: FRAG-men-ted
Synonyms: Broken, Divided, Disjointed, Scattered, Splintered, Dispersed
Usage Examples:
1. The vase fell and fragmented into pieces.
2. A fragmented society where people live in isolation from one another.
3. His attention was fragmented by constant interruptions.
4. The data was stored in a fragmented manner across several files.



Vocabulary new Words

Title: “Embracing Linguistic Novelty: Ensuring Success with ‘Vocabulary New Words'”

In the exuberant realm of language learning, nothing holds more thrill than the discovery of ‘vocabulary new words’. These gems of knowledge bring with them a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of language. However, learning ‘vocabulary new words’ requires a methodical and focused approach.

The act of learning ‘vocabulary new words’ is a delve into linguistic novelty, often involving exposure to unfamiliar structures and meanings. Transcending the traditional approach of mere memorization helps in truly cementing newly learnt words into long-term memory. Interaction with a broad spectrum of written and spoken material, including novels, films, podcasts, and digital resources, provides a rich context of ‘vocabulary new words’ and significantly aids in their comprehension.

It’s noteworthy that unpacking ‘vocabulary new words’ is a steady process rather than a rushed one. A planned approach with a specific number of words, learned and reviewed each day, proves beneficial in effective learning. Coupling this method with technologies such as flashcards or memory-enhancement software can optimize the retention of ‘vocabulary new words’.

Integrating mnemonic devices and visual imagery is another highly efficient tool when learning ‘vocabulary new words’. Assigning unique stories or visuals to new words can enhance recall, making unfamiliar vocabulary much more approachable.

Lastly, practicing ‘vocabulary new words’ within daily routine is crucial for grasping their usage. Whether it’s through active utilization in conversation or incorporating these words in written communicative situations, application reinforces understanding.

In summation, mastering ‘vocabulary new words’ is an enriching pursuit that expands our linguistic horizons. However, a balanced approach, combining diverse reading materials, pacing your learning, employing memory-boosting strategies, and daily practice greatly streamlines the task. Embark on this fascinating journey, and let the ‘vocabulary new words’ fill your linguistic canvas with a fresh palette of expressions.


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