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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.

Confinement Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Confinement

CONTEXT: Finally, seeking immediate freedom for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from her unjustified solitary confinement should be a key element in the calculus of the conclave.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine being told you can’t leave your room because you’re grounded. That time you spend in your room is called “confinement.” It means you have to stay in a small space or area and can’t go out.

MEANING: Being stuck in a small space (noun).


SYNONYMS: imprisonment, captivity, detention, incarceration, restraint

1. The animal was kept in confinement to protect it.
2. His confinement was due to health reasons.
3. She struggled with the psychological effects of long-term confinement.
4. The room was used for the confinement of prisoners.


WORD-2: Incumbency

CONTEXT: issues such as corruption and anti-incumbency pose challenges for her.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you are the class president, and you’ve been in that role for a while. This period when you are the president is called “incumbency.” It refers to the time when someone holds a particular position or office.

MEANING: The holding of an office or the period during which one is held (noun).


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SYNONYMS: tenure, term, time in office, administration, regime

1. During his incumbency, he implemented several important reforms.
2. The incumbency of the current mayor has seen significant urban development.
3. She announced her candidacy to challenge the incumbent in the upcoming election.
4. The incumbency factor often influences elections.

Ascension Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Ascension

CONTEXT: The book examines these events against the context of Japan’s military ascension.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine watching a balloon float up into the sky until you can’t see it anymore. This action of moving upwards is called “ascension.” It’s used to describe going up or rising to a higher position.

MEANING: The act of going up or climbing to a higher position (noun).


SYNONYMS: rise, climb, ascent, elevation, promotion

1. The ascension of the hot air balloon was smooth and steady.
2. His ascension to the leadership position was unexpected by many.
3. The movie depicts the ascension of an ordinary man to fame.
4. Her career has been marked by a rapid ascension in the corporate world.

Concocting Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Concocting

CONTEXT: I was delighted, for instance, to learn about poet W.H. Auden’s brother concocting a cheap tarry substance and conducting an experiment to see whether it would produce smoke profuse enough to obscure Delhi’s South Block from enemy aircraft.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re in the kitchen mixing different ingredients to make a special potion or a new recipe. That process of creating something new by mixing things together is called “concocting.”

MEANING: Creating or making something by mixing different things together.


SYNONYMS: devising, fabricating, inventing, brewing, formulating

1. They spent the evening concocting a plan for the surprise party.
2. The writer was good at concocting interesting plots for his novels.
3. He concocted an elaborate excuse for being late.
4. The chef was famous for concocting unique dishes.

Contingent Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Contingent

CONTEXT: There is a hope to reduce subsidy outgo too, which, in the end, would be contingent on the evolution of commodity prices through FY25.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re planning to go to the park, but only if it doesn’t rain. The trip depends on whether it rains or not. This dependence on a condition is what “contingent” means.

MEANING: Depending on something else; a group of people or things that rely on certain conditions. (adjective/noun).


SYNONYMS: conditional, dependent, subject to, provisional, reliant

1. Their agreement was contingent upon the approval of both boards.
2. The funding for the project is contingent on the government’s support.
3. The success of the plan is contingent on all team members participating.
4. The trip was contingent on the weather being good.

Perseverance Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Perseverance

CONTEXT: India has showcased a robust and resilient growth story driven by perseverance, ingenuity, and vision.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re building a big puzzle and it’s really hard, but you keep trying and don’t give up until it’s done. That stick-to-it attitude is called “perseverance.” It means to keep going and not quit, even when things are tough.

MEANING: Continuing to do something despite difficulties or obstacles (noun).


SYNONYMS: determination, persistence, tenacity, endurance, steadfastness

1. Her perseverance was key to overcoming numerous setbacks.
2. The project required great perseverance from everyone involved.
3. Perseverance is often the difference between failure and success.
4. He showed true perseverance in learning to walk again after his injury.


WORD-7: Humongous

CONTEXT: India is the talent basket of the world and has one of the youngest populations globally; we have a humongous opportunity to unlock the potential of the country’s young workforce.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine seeing the biggest pizza you’ve ever seen, so big it barely fits on the table. That pizza is “humongous,” which means it’s really, really large.

MEANING: Extremely large (adjective).


SYNONYMS: enormous, gigantic, massive, colossal, huge

1. They saw a humongous whale while on the boat.
2. The building looked humongous compared to the small cottages around it.
3. He bought a humongous screen for his home theater.
4. The crowd at the concert was humongous.


WORD-8: Tremendously

CONTEXT: our country’s population is massive and tremendously diverse – which gives us access to some of the richest datasets for AI and innovation.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re on a roller coaster and it’s so fun that you’re laughing and screaming a lot. You’re having “tremendous” fun, which means a whole lot of fun — really, really great.

MEANING: Extremely, greatly, or to a very large extent (adverb).

PRONUNCIATION: truh-MEN-duhs-lee

SYNONYMS: enormously, hugely, greatly, immensely, vastly

1. She was tremendously excited about the new opportunity.
2. The support from the community was tremendously helpful.
3. He benefited tremendously from the training.
4. The project succeeded tremendously, surpassing all expectations.


WORD-9: Trebled

CONTEXT: The government’s capex has nearly trebled in the last four years.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have three apples and you get three times more, ending up with nine apples. When something is “trebled,” it means it has been increased three times in amount or volume.

MEANING: Increased threefold; tripled (verb).


SYNONYMS: tripled, increased three times, multiplied by three

1. The company’s profits trebled within two years.
2. The population of the town has trebled over the last decade.
3. The investment trebled in value, which was more than expected.
4. His workload has trebled since the new project began.


WORD-10: Upheavals

CONTEXT: The Modi government needs to be commended for the fact that despite significant economic upheavals since the pandemic, it has managed to steer a tight ship, remain fiscally prudent and keep fiscal deficit in check in the face of stiff crude oil prices.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if one day you went to school and found out everything had changed — new teachers, new rules, and even your classroom was moved. It would feel all mixed up and confusing. That’s what “upheavals” are. They are big changes that cause a lot of confusion or disturbance.

MEANING: Sudden and big changes or disruptions, often causing excitement or
chaos (noun).


SYNONYMS: turmoil, upheaval, disruptions, convulsions, disturbances

1. The political upheavals in the country led to widespread unrest.
2. The technological upheavals changed the industry forever.
3. They experienced personal upheavals after moving to the new city.
4. The earthquake caused social and economic upheavals.



Vocabulary new Words

Title: “Embracing Linguistic Novelty: Ensuring Success with ‘Vocabulary New Words'”

In the exuberant realm of language learning, nothing holds more thrill than the discovery of ‘vocabulary new words’. These gems of knowledge bring with them a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of language. However, learning ‘vocabulary new words’ requires a methodical and focused approach.

The act of learning ‘vocabulary new words’ is a delve into linguistic novelty, often involving exposure to unfamiliar structures and meanings. Transcending the traditional approach of mere memorization helps in truly cementing newly learnt words into long-term memory. Interaction with a broad spectrum of written and spoken material, including novels, films, podcasts, and digital resources, provides a rich context of ‘vocabulary new words’ and significantly aids in their comprehension.

It’s noteworthy that unpacking ‘vocabulary new words’ is a steady process rather than a rushed one. A planned approach with a specific number of words, learned and reviewed each day, proves beneficial in effective learning. Coupling this method with technologies such as flashcards or memory-enhancement software can optimize the retention of ‘vocabulary new words’.

Integrating mnemonic devices and visual imagery is another highly efficient tool when learning ‘vocabulary new words’. Assigning unique stories or visuals to new words can enhance recall, making unfamiliar vocabulary much more approachable.

Lastly, practicing ‘vocabulary new words’ within daily routine is crucial for grasping their usage. Whether it’s through active utilization in conversation or incorporating these words in written communicative situations, application reinforces understanding.

In summation, mastering ‘vocabulary new words’ is an enriching pursuit that expands our linguistic horizons. However, a balanced approach, combining diverse reading materials, pacing your learning, employing memory-boosting strategies, and daily practice greatly streamlines the task. Embark on this fascinating journey, and let the ‘vocabulary new words’ fill your linguistic canvas with a fresh palette of expressions.

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