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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.

Halving Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Halving

CONTEXT: The second-largest component of the services economy, the omnibus trade, hotels, transport, communication and broadcasting sector — also a large provider of jobs — is estimated to witness more than a halving in the pace of growth — to 6.3%, from 14% last fiscal.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a big pizza, and you want to share it with your friend. To make sure you both get an equal amount, you cut the pizza right down the middle into two equal parts. That’s called “halving.” It’s when you split something into two equal parts, like sharing your toys or dividing a cookie with a friend.

MEANING: The act of dividing something into two equal parts (noun).


SYNONYMS: Dividing, splitting, partitioning, bisecting, cleaving

1. She halved the apple and gave one part to her friend.
2. The teacher asked the students to halve the candies and share them equally.
3. He halved his sandwich and offered half to his brother.
4. They agreed to halve the cost of the meal.


WORD-2: Resultant

CONTEXT: The rural economy struggling under the impact of the monsoon vagaries and the resultant weakness in farm output, demand for producers of a range of goods from soaps and detergents to packaged foods and two-wheelers is yet to regain any kind of vigour in the hinterland.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you mix red and yellow paint together, and the color that comes out is orange. That orange color is what we call the “resultant.” It’s the outcome or the end product that happens because of something else, like the final score of a game or the solution to a math problem.

MEANING: Occurring as a result of something else; the outcome or consequence (adjective/noun).


SYNONYMS: Resulting, consequent, outcome, consequence, aftermath

1. The broken vase was the resultant of their rough play.
2. The resultant of their efforts was a successful business.
3. She carefully analyzed the resultant of her decisions before making a choice.
4. The doctor explained the possible resultants of the treatment.

Spigot Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Spigot

CONTEXT: The general election just ahead, policymakers face an unenviable choice — keep the spending spigot fully open to prop up growth at the risk of fiscal slippage, or tighten the purse strings and risk further loss of momentum.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a big container of juice, and you want to pour some into a glass. You turn a little knob, and juice starts flowing out from a tiny opening. That knob and the opening where the juice comes out is called a “spigot.” It’s like a faucet but for things other than water, like juice or even ideas.

MEANING: A small faucet or valve for controlling the flow of liquid from a
container (noun).


SYNONYMS: Faucet, tap, valve, stopcock, cock

1. She turned the spigot to fill her watering can with water.
2. The wine flowed freely from the barrel’s spigot.
3. He tightened the spigot to stop the flow of oil.
4. The campground had a spigot for campers to fill their water bottles.


WORD-4: Rampant

CONTEXT: These vices may not be specific or exclusive to higher education institutions but could be rampant among them.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a garden full of flowers, but suddenly, weeds start growing everywhere and take over the whole garden. That’s what “rampant” means. It’s when something grows or spreads quickly and uncontrollably, like wild animals running freely in the forest.

MEANING: Growing or spreading unchecked and uncontrollably (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Unchecked, unrestrained, widespread, unbridled, pervasive

1. The weeds were rampant in the neglected garden.
2. Rumors were rampant throughout the school.
3. Corruption was rampant in the city government.
4. The disease became rampant in the overcrowded city.

Vitiated Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Vitiated

CONTEXT: Mulya Pravah 2.0 underscores the need for utmost transparency in administration and highlights that decision-making in higher education institutions must be solely guided by institutional and public interest, and not be vitiated by biases.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a glass of fresh juice, but then someone accidentally drops a tiny bug into it. The juice is no longer fresh and tasty; it’s spoiled. That’s what “vitiated” means. It’s when something is made impure or spoiled, like adding too much salt to your soup or ruining a surprise by telling someone about it.

MEANING: Spoiled or impaired the quality or efficiency of something (verb).


SYNONYMS: Spoiled, contaminated, tainted, marred, impaired

1. The scandal vitiated his reputation in the community.
2. The court ruled that the contract was vitiated by fraud.
3. The flavor of the soup was vitiated by too much salt.
4. His enthusiasm was vitiated by the negative comments.


WORD-6: Adhered

CONTEXT: The authorities in and officers of universities must ensure that the provisions of their acts, statutes, ordinances and regulations are strictly adhered to in letter and spirit.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a sticker, and you press it onto your notebook. It sticks there and doesn’t come off easily. That’s what “adhered” means. It’s when something sticks to or stays attached to something else, like glue holding two pieces of paper together or a magnet clinging to the fridge.

MEANING: To stick firmly to something; to be attached or devoted to something (verb).


SYNONYMS: Stick, cling, attach, bond, affix

1. The tape adhered the poster to the wall.
2. The bandage adhered well to his skin.
3. She adhered to her principles even in difficult times.
4. The stamp adhered to the envelope.

Conducive Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Conducive

CONTEXT: It reminds them to act in the best interest of their institution, create a conducive culture and work environment for teaching, learning, and research and develop the potential of their institution.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re trying to grow a flower, and you give it sunlight, water, and good soil. Those things help the flower grow big and strong. That’s what “conducive” means. It’s when something creates the right conditions for something else to happen or develop, like studying in a quiet room for better concentration.

MEANING: Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Favorable, beneficial, helpful, advantageous, supportive

1. A peaceful environment is conducive to studying.
2. Good communication is conducive to a healthy relationship.
3. The company provides a conducive workspace for its employees.
4. Regular exercise is conducive to good health.

Misappropriating Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Misappropriating

CONTEXT: It further asserts that officers and staff must ‘refrain from misappropriating financial and other resources, and refuse to accept gift, favour, service, or other items from any person, group, private business, or public agency which may affect the impartial performance of duties’.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you lend your favorite toy to a friend, but instead of returning it, they keep it for themselves. That’s called “misappropriating.” It’s when someone takes something that doesn’t belong to them or uses it in a way that’s not allowed, like borrowing your brother’s bike without asking or using money meant for one thing for something else entirely.

MEANING: Taking something for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s
permission (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: mis-uh-PROH-pree-ey-ting

SYNONYMS: Embezzling, stealing, pilfering, appropriating, diverting

1. He was accused of misappropriating funds from the company.
2. The treasurer was found guilty of misappropriating donations.
3. Misappropriating company resources can result in severe consequences.
4. She was fired for misappropriating office supplies.


WORD-9: Bemusing

CONTEXT: The emphasis on the need for and the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of information is bemusing as it runs counter to the right of information as an instrument to ensure accountability.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine watching a magic trick that’s so confusing and surprising that you can’t help but laugh and scratch your head in wonder. That’s what “bemusing” means. It’s when something is confusing or puzzling in a funny or amusing way, like a joke that makes you laugh but also leaves you wondering how it’s possible.

MEANING: Causing confusion or puzzlement in an amusing or entertaining way (adjective/verb).


SYNONYMS: Puzzling, perplexing, bewildering, mystifying, amusing

1. The magician’s bemusing tricks entertained the audience.
2. His bemusing stories always left his friends laughing.
3. The movie had a bemusing plot that kept viewers engaged.
4. She gave him a bemusing look when he told her his wild story.


WORD-10: Emulating

CONTEXT: Asserting that teaching is a noble profession, and that teachers play a crucial role in ‘shaping the character, personality, and career of the students’, it requires them to ‘act’ as role models and set examples of ‘good conduct, and a good standard of dress, speech and behaviour, worth emulating by students’.
SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you see someone doing something really cool, like riding a skateboard or playing a guitar, and you want to be just like them. So, you start practicing and trying to do the same things they do. That’s called “emulating.” It’s when you imitate or copy someone because you admire them or want to be like them.

MEANING: Imitating or copying someone’s actions, behavior, or qualities, especially because of admiration (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: EM-yuh-ley-ting

SYNONYMS: Imitating, mimicking, copying, following, mirroring

1. She’s always emulating her older sister, trying to be just like her.
2. The students were emulating their favorite athletes’ moves on the field.
3. He emulated his father’s work ethic and dedication.
4. Many artists emulate the styles of famous painters in their own work.



Vocabulary Words for IELTS'

Title: “Language Empowerment: Mastering ‘Vocabulary Words for IELTS'”

Preparing for an esteemed examination like IELTS urges a diligent focus on ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’. These specific words, frequently prominent in IELTS examinations, play a vital role in expressing ideas effectively and articulately. To successfully conquer ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’, a strategic and focused approach is quintessential.

A fundamental step when learning ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’ is understanding these words in the context of use. For this, exposure to diverse resources like newspapers, journals, academic texts, and digital content is crucial. This engagement aids in understanding the nuances of these words, fortifying your preparation for ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’.

When tackling ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’, regular practice is the cornerstone of success. Consistent writing and speaking exercises help in embedding this vocabulary in your linguistic repertoire. Take situations or topics that commonly appear in the IELTS exam and practice crafting complex yet coherent sentences using these words.

In the journey to unfold ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’, making use of memory-enhancement techniques can orchestrate your success. Tools like flashcards and recall-based applications can significantly assist in retaining and reinforcing these words in your memory. Additionally, forming personal connections or stories with these words can greatly improve word recall.

Brevity is equally significant when preparing for ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’. Attempt to learn a limited number of words each day rather than tackling a large list all at once. This habit allows the brain adequate time to absorb and store these words securely, ensuring an effective learning experience.

In conclusion, the quest to master ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’ is an engaging dance of comprehension, practice, memory techniques, and thoughtful pacing. As you pirouette gracefully through these strategies, you’ll find communicating your IELTS responses with the right ‘vocabulary words for IELTS’ is less of a cliffhanger and more of an epic tale of language success.

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