
Daily Vocabulary from ‘The Hindu’: November 13, 2023

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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
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WORD-1: Resilience

CONTEXT: An economy whose resilience relies on its domestic demand buffer against global shocks, reluctant or budget-cramped consumers are the biggest headwind for policymakers to strive to address.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine resilience like being a bouncy ball. When you throw a bouncy ball to the ground, it doesn’t stay down; it bounces back up. Being resilient means, when something difficult or bad happens, you don’t stay sad or upset for too long. You bounce back and become happy and strong again, just like the bouncy ball!

MEANING: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or toughness (noun).


SYNONYMS: Toughness, Hardiness, Strength, Grit, Fortitude

1. After the storm, the town showed great resilience in rebuilding everything.
2. Her resilience in the face of adversity was inspiring.
3. The resilience of the material makes it perfect for outdoor use.
4. Learning to cope with rejection requires resilience.

WORD-2: Abolition

CONTEXT: The standing committee on Home Affairs, despite submissions from experts and jurists on abolition, chose to make a bland recommendation “that the matter may be left for the government to consider”.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Abolition is like saying a big ‘NO’ and stopping something that is not good or fair. Like when you say no more bedtime early or no more vegetables you don’t like. But abolition is used for really big and important rules or practices that need to be stopped because they are wrong.

MEANING: The act of formally ending something, especially a system, practice, or institution (noun).


SYNONYMS: Elimination, Eradication, Termination, Annulment, Discontinuance

1. The abolition of slavery was a significant event in history.
2. Many activists are fighting for the abolition of unfair laws.
3. The abolition of the old system brought new opportunities.
4. The government announced the abolition of the tax.

WORD-3: Persuasive

CONTEXT: Domain experts had made some persuasive submissions before the panel.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Persuasive is when you talk or explain something in a way that makes others believe you or want to do what you suggest. Like when you really, really want a cookie, and you explain to your mom why having a cookie now is a good idea, and she agrees to give you one!

MEANING: Good at convincing someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Convincing, Compelling, Influential, Effective, Cogent

1. She gave a very persuasive argument for why we should go to the park.
2. His persuasive skills helped him in his sales job.
3. The advertisement was persuasive enough to make me want to buy the product.
4. He was persuasive in explaining his plan.

WORD-4: Remission

CONTEXT: The statute book and introducing a rational and universal remission policy will be a substantive reform in the justice system.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Remission is like a pause or a break. Think about when you are playing a game and then take a break. In sickness, remission means the sickness takes a break or pauses and the person feels better for some time.

MEANING: A reduction or disappearance of the signs and symptoms of a disease (noun).


SYNONYMS: Abatement, Easing, Relief, Respite, Alleviation

1. The patient’s cancer was in remission after the treatment.
2. They hoped for a remission of their father’s illness.
3. The symptoms of her illness went into remission.
4. He was grateful for the brief remission of pain.

WORD-5: Misinterpreted

CONTEXT: In not finding room for same-sex marriages in the Special Marriage Act, the Supreme

Court misinterpreted the Constitution and failed to look at its own precedents.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Misinterpreted is like getting the wrong idea about something someone said. Imagine your friend tells you a story, but you think it’s about a dragon instead of a lizard. You misinterpreted, or misunderstood, what your friend said.

MEANING: Understood or interpreted wrongly (verb, past tense).

PRONUNCIATION: mis-IN-tur-preh-tid

SYNONYMS: Misunderstood, Misconstrued, Mistaken, Misread, Misapprehended

1. His comments were misinterpreted as being rude.
2. The meaning of the ancient text was often misinterpreted.
3. She misinterpreted his silence as agreement.
4. The instructions were easily misinterpreted.

WORD-6: Precedents

CONTEXT: In not finding room for same-sex marriages in the Special Marriage Act, the Supreme Court misinterpreted the Constitution and failed to look at its own precedents.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Precedents are like examples or patterns that were set before. It’s like if your older sibling had a bedtime of 8 PM, that becomes a precedent, and now you might have the same bedtime because it was done before.

MEANING: Earlier events or decisions that are regarded as examples or guides to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances (noun, plural).


SYNONYMS: Examples, Standards, Models, Benchmarks, Criteria

1. The court’s decision set a new precedent.
2. They followed historical precedents in their approach.
3. The company’s policy was based on past precedents.
4. Precedents from previous legal cases were used in the trial.


WORD-7: Decriminalising

CONTEXT: The Supreme Court has already held in Navtej (2018) while decriminalising homosexuality that ‘sex’ under Article 15 takes in ‘sexual orientation’.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Decriminalising is like making something that was not allowed before, okay now. Like if there was a rule in school that you can’t chew gum, but then they change the rule, and now you can chew gum. It’s not a bad thing anymore.

MEANING: Making something that was previously illegal, legal (verb, present participle).

PRONUNCIATION: dee-KRIM-uh-nuh-ly-zing

SYNONYMS: Legalizing, Legitimizing, Normalizing, Permitting, Authorizing

1. Many advocate for decriminalising certain activities to reduce prison populations.
2. The movement towards decriminalising this act has gained momentum.
3. Decriminalising certain offenses can lead to fewer legal penalties.
4. There is a debate about the benefits of decriminalising such behavior.


WORD-8: Relying

CONTEXT: The doctrine of indirect discrimination, which simply means that the discriminator cannot escape the constitutional obligation by relying on the intent or object, has been now well established in Indian jurisprudence.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Relying is like counting on someone or something. Think about when you rely on your friend to save a seat for you in class, you’re trusting that they will do it.

MEANING: Depending on someone or something for support or help (verb, present participle).


SYNONYMS: Depending, Trusting, Leaning, Counting on, Banking on

1. She was relying on her brother to help her with her homework.
2. We are relying on the weather being good for our picnic.
3. The company is relying on its new product to boost sales.
4. He was heavily relying on the map to find his way.


WORD-9: Jurisprudence

CONTEXT: The doctrine of indirect discrimination, which simply means that the discriminator cannot escape the constitutional obligation by relying on the intent or object, has been now well established in Indian jurisprudence.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Jurisprudence is like the rules for making rules and deciding what is right or wrong. It’s like the big book of rules that tells people how to make good rules and decisions, especially about laws.

MEANING: The theory or philosophy of law (noun).


SYNONYMS: Legal theory, Law, Legal philosophy, Legal science, Judicial studies

1. He studied jurisprudence at university to become a lawyer.
2. The book discusses various aspects of jurisprudence.
3. Understanding jurisprudence is essential for legal professionals.
4. The debate was grounded in the principles of jurisprudence.


WORD-10: Premised

CONTEXT: If ours was a marriageless state, no argument would arise premised on the privileges and benefits arising out of marriage.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Premised is like the reason or idea something is based on. It’s like if you make a clubhouse and say it’s only for friends who like to draw, liking to draw is the premise or main idea for your clubhouse.

MEANING: Based on a previous statement or idea (verb, past tense).


SYNONYMS: Based, Grounded, Founded, Rooted, Predicated


1. The theory was premised on outdated information.
2. His argument was premised on the assumption that all were in agreement.
3. The plan was premised on a set of unrealistic expectations.
4. Her research was premised on comprehensive data analysis.



vocabulary correction

Title: “Mastering the Art of Vocabulary Correction: Unleash Linguistic Excellence”

Vocabulary correction plays a critical role in enhancing the eloquence of our verbal and written communication. It is necessary to conquer the nuances of a language and get the message across clearly.

Learning vocabulary correction shouldn’t come across as a daunting task laden with an overbearing list of complicated words. In fact, it’s a lifelong journey that evolves continuously with constant learning and usage. So, how exactly does one embark on this journey of vocabulary correction?

Initially, it’s essential to read extensively. Make books, newspapers, blogs and scholarly articles your best friends. They are the potential wellsprings of words waiting to enrich your vocabulary. As you come across unfamiliar words or phrases, have a dictionary and thesaurus handy to comprehend their meanings and usage.

Next, regularly engaging in vocabulary games and quizzes is a fun method of vocabulary correction that shouldn’t be understated. Not only does it expand your knowledge, but it also tests your current vocabulary prowess. Word puzzles, crosswords, and language learning mobile applications offer great platforms for this.

Writing is another powerful tool for effective vocabulary correction. Jotting down thoughts, ideas, or chronicling day-to-day experiences helps us weave words together, enhancing our vocabulary use. You look for the right words to express yourself, and in the process, you learn the correct usage of previously unfamiliar words.

No course of vocabulary correction is complete without active conversation. Engaging in meaningful dialogues introduces us to different styles and manners of speech. We pick up new words and expressions that we may not stumble upon during solitary reading or writing.

Lastly, vocabulary correction involves continuous practice and diligence. Language learning is not a one-and-done deal. It’s a consistent task of engaging, experimenting, and adapting. Remember, vocabulary correction can be monumentally effective education; make sure you learnt it the right way.

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