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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
Visit the website daily to learn words from The Hindu.

Misnomer Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Misnomer

CONTEXT: calling it state funding of elections is a misnomer

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a tiny, quiet dog, but you name it “Thunder.” That’s funny because “Thunder” sounds like a big, loud name, right? When a name doesn’t really fit what it’s naming, like calling a small dog “Thunder,” we call that a misnomer. It’s like a mix-up in names.

MEANING: An incorrect or unsuitable name or term for a person or thing (Noun)


SYNONYMS: Mislabel, Misnomer, Misidentification, Mismatch, Inaccuracy

1. Calling a giant dog ‘Tiny’ is a misnomer.
2. The name ‘Greenland,’ which is mostly ice and not green, is a misnomer.
3. Referring to a smartphone as just a ‘phone’ is a misnomer.
4. The term ‘koala bear’ is a misnomer; koalas are not bears.

Viability Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Viability

CONTEXT: We can discuss viability provided we agree that public funding is desirable, which I think it is.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think of when you try to build a tower with blocks. If your tower stays up, it’s strong and works well, right? Viability is like that. It means something can work well or succeed, like your tower of blocks!

MEANING: The ability to work successfully or live and grow (Noun)

PRONUNCIATION: vye-a-bil-i-tee

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SYNONYMS: Feasibility, Practicality, Workability, Sustainability, Usability

1. They tested the viability of the new product.
2. The doctor checked the viability of the patient’s heart.
3. The viability of the plan depends on everyone’s cooperation.
4. She questioned the viability of the project.

Quoted Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Quoted

CONTEXT: which is most often quoted in support of public funding of elections.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you say something really funny or smart, and later, your friend tells someone else exactly what you said. Your friend has quoted you. Quoting means repeating someone else’s words exactly as they said them.

MEANING: Repeated words from someone else exactly as they were originally spoken or written (Verb)


SYNONYMS: Cited, Repeated, Referenced, Recalled, Mentioned

1. She quoted her favorite line from the movie.
2. The teacher quoted a famous scientist in class.
3. He quoted the rules from the handbook.
4. In her speech, she quoted several historical figures.

Decriminalisation Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Decriminalisation

CONTEXT: it is accompanied by factors such as democratisation of political parties and decriminalisation of the political process.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine there’s a rule at school that you can’t run in the hallway. But then, one day, the principal decides it’s okay to run. Now, running isn’t against the rules anymore. Decriminalisation is like that. It means something that was not allowed before is allowed now.

MEANING: The action of making something legal that was illegal before (Noun)

PRONUNCIATION: dee-krim-i-nal-i-za-shun

SYNONYMS: Legalization, Legitimization, Authorization, Normalization, Permitting

1. The decriminalisation of jaywalking made it no longer a crime.
2. Many argue for the decriminalisation of certain actions.
3. The new law led to the decriminalisation of the act.
4. Decriminalisation doesn’t mean it’s always safe or right.


WORD-5: Demonstrably

CONTEXT: State funding is viable only if parties are internally and demonstrably democratic in their functioning.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think of when you show your parents how well you cleaned your room. You’re proving to them that you really did it. Demonstrably means showing or proving something clearly, like how clean your room is!

MEANING: In a clear and obvious way (Adverb)

PRONUNCIATION: de-mon-stra-bly

SYNONYMS: Clearly, Evidently, Obviously, Noticeably, Undeniably

1. The results were demonstrably positive.
2. She was demonstrably the best player on the team.
3. The plan was demonstrably flawed.
4. His improvement was demonstrably significant.

Citing Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Citing

CONTEXT: There have to be different criteria, and I was just citing an example.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Remember when we talked about quoting? Citing is similar. If you read something in a book and then tell someone else about it, you are citing the book. It’s like saying, “This is where I found this information or idea.”

MEANING: Mentioning something as proof or as an example, or to support an idea or argument (Verb)


SYNONYMS: Referencing, Quoting, Mentioning, Alluding, Acknowledging

1. He was citing a study in his argument.
2. The author was citing historical events in her book.
3. She was citing the law to support her case.
4. In his speech, he kept citing famous writers.


WORD-7: Intricacies

CONTEXT: He also explained the intricacies involved in Chopra’s run-up — from how he grips the javelin to how he releases it.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a puzzle with lots of small, detailed pieces. It’s complicated and has many parts, right? Intricacies are like the pieces of a complicated puzzle. They are the detailed, often complicated, parts of something.

MEANING: Complex details or parts of something (Noun)

PRONUNCIATION: in-tri-ka-sees

SYNONYMS: Complexities, Nuances, Subtleties, Details, Complications

1. The intricacies of the machine were fascinating.
2. She studied the intricacies of the language.
3. The intricacies of the plan required careful thought.
4. He enjoyed the intricacies of chess strategies.


WORD-8: Conceptualise

CONTEXT: My role was to find data and conceptualise charts in order to compare Chopra with other players.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you want to build something out of blocks, but before you start, you think about what it will look like. That’s conceptualising. It means forming an idea of something in your mind before it exists for real.

MEANING: Forming a clear idea or concept of something in your mind (Verb)

PRONUNCIATION: kon-sep-chu-a-lize

SYNONYMS: Envision, Imagine, Visualize, Think up, Devise

1. She conceptualised a new design for her project.
2. He found it hard to conceptualise the abstract concept.
3. The artist conceptualised a new sculpture.
4. They struggled to conceptualise a solution to the problem.


WORD-9: Invariably

CONTEXT: But waiting for the text is also counterproductive as the quality of design invariably takes a hit.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about the sun rising every morning. It always happens, right? Invariably means something always happens in the same way or doesn’t change. Like the sun always rising is invariably true.

MEANING: Always happening in the same way or not changing (Adverb)

PRONUNCIATION: in-vair-ee-uh-bly

SYNONYMS: Always, Constantly, Consistently, Perpetually, Unchangingly

1. The train is invariably late.
2. She invariably wears the same hat.
3. He invariably forgets to lock the door.
4. The results are invariably the same.


WORD-10: Optimum

CONTEXT: it was the most optimum way of breaking down a complex topic and sustaining the reader’s interest.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re playing a game and you find the best way to win. That’s like finding the optimum way. Optimum means the best or most effective way to do something or the best condition for something to happen.

MEANING: The best or most effective condition, degree, or amount (Noun/Adjective)


SYNONYMS: Ideal, Best, Perfect, Most favorable, Peak

1. The optimum temperature for growing plants is 20°C.
2. She’s searching for the optimum solution to the problem.
3. To achieve optimum health, exercise regularly.
4. The device operates at its optimum at this voltage.



vocabulary upsc

Title: “Unlock Your Potential: Boost Your Vocabulary UPSC Preparation Strategy”

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination represents a significant milestone for many aspirants across India. Part of the journey to success involves comprehending and utilizing a robust ‘vocabulary UPSC’ that can set competitive exam takers apart from the crowd. Let us delve into the nuances of how this essential resource can be mastered effectively.

For starters, one has to understand the significance of ‘vocabulary UPSC.’ This is much more than rote learning a word list. It’s about understanding the connotations, the nuances, and the context in which these words are used. This understanding can greatly improve not only your comprehension skills but also your performance in the English language section of the The Union Public Service Commission exam.

Following the understanding stage, come practice and revision. ‘Vocabulary UPSC’ learning cannot occur overnight, and it is essential to devote a specified time daily to learn and review new words. Incorporating vocabulary-learning into your daily study habit can help you enhance your linguistic skills and aid in long-term retention.

Another much-needed approach to ‘vocabulary UPSC’ is using the learned words in regular communication. This method reinforces learning and aids retention. Additionally, creating a personal word diary where you note down new words, their meanings, and context can serve as your go-to guide for revision.

One common misconception about ‘vocabulary UPSC’ is that it’s only limited to English. However, it is vital to understand that the concept extends beyond languages. Terms used in subjects like History, Geography, or Economics should also be part of your vocabulary repository. This multifaceted conception can significantly aid in developing a comprehensive understanding of subjects, ultimately resulting in a higher score.

In conclusion, mastering ‘vocabulary UPSC’ requires consistent effort, deep understanding, and practical application. The journey to UPSC success is not just about learning; it’s about knowing how to use your learning effectively. So, embark on this discovery with a clear goal and unwavering dedication, and success will surely be yours.

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