1. Conscription
• Conscription, sometimes called the draft, is the compulsory enlistment of people in a national service, most often a military service. Conscription dates back to antiquity and continues in some countries to the present day under various names.
Usage: Refugees are reluctant to return, fearing violence, conscription or prison.
2. Dissident
• A dissident, broadly defined, is a person who actively challenges an established doctrine, policy, or institution.
Usage: The targets of the hacking included diplomats, political dissidents, journalists, along with military and government officials.
3. Scaffolding
• Scaffolding, also called scaffold or staging, is a temporary structure used to support a work crew and materials to aid in the construction, maintenance and repair of buildings, bridges and all other man-made structures.
Usage: The building’s management told the city in November that it planned to install scaffolding up to 150 feet tall for the repairs.
4. Lodestar
• A person or thing that serves as an inspiration or guide.
Usage: She was his intellectual lodestar.
• When a sailor uses a star to navigate by, it’s called a lodestar. The most commonly used lodestar is the bright and easily spotted Polaris, also known as the North Star.
5. Comeuppance
• A punishment or fate that someone deserves.
Usage: He got his comeuppance in the end.
6. Nehruvian Socialism
• Socialism in India is a political movement founded early in the 20th century, as a part of the broader Indian independence movement against the colonial British Raj.
• Under Nehru, the Indian National Congress, India’s largest political party, adopted socialism as an ideology for socio-economic policies in 1936.
• Nehruvian socialism or the more popularly called Nehruism was derived largely from a Marxist worldview and the Fabianism idea of socialism(which could be attributed to his Cambridge days).
• Nehruvian socialism was based on political liberty, equality and tolerance. Under this one could maintain individual freedom and initiative with centralized-social control and planning of the economic life of the people.
7. Catapult
• [Verb] Move suddenly or at great speed as though hurled by a catapult. Usage: The horse catapulted away from the fence.
• [Noun] A catapult is a ballistic device used to launch a projectile a great distance without the aid of gunpowder or other propellants – particularly various types of ancient and medieval siege engines. A catapult uses the sudden release of stored potential energy to propel its payload. Usage: Leonardo Da Vinci redesigned the catapult around 1485 and used the spring like energy stored in bent wood to give power to the swing arm.
8. Amanuensis
• An amanuensis is a person employed to write or type what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another, and also refers to a person who signs a document on behalf of another under the latter’s authority.
Usage: Before becoming King’s amanuensis, Barbara Reynolds was a journalist assigned to do a story for The Chicago Tribune.
9. Repudiation
• Rejection of a proposal or idea. Denial of the truth or validity of something.
Usage: The repudiation of reformist policies.
10. Annexation
• Annexation is the administrative action and concept in international law relating to the forcible acquisition of one state’s territory by another state and is generally held to be an illegal act.
Usage: Through a process called “selective annexation,” many low-income communities are excluded from the city limits of expanding towns.