
Daily Vocabulary from ‘The Hindu’: September 1, 2023

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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words
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Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting important daily vocabulary words, you would encounter in The Hindu. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in a leading publication such as The Hindu.
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CONTEXT: Two more terms were set by the apex court related to non-disclosure of related party transactions and the manipulation of stock prices in contravention of existing laws. In addition, a separate Expert Committee was formed to inter alia examine whether there has been a regulatory failure in dealing with the alleged contravention of laws by the Adani group.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you’re building a pyramid with blocks. The very top block that you put on is the most special one because it’s the highest point of your pyramid. That top point is called the apex. In other words, apex means the very, very top or the best part of something!

MEANING: The highest point or the greatest part of something (noun).


SYNONYMS: Peak, summit, zenith, pinnacle, acme, crest, vertex

1. The climber reached the apex of the mountain.
2. The movie reached its emotional apex during the final scene.
3. The apex of the pyramid was covered in gold.
4. She was at the apex of her career when she won the award.


CONTEXT: Two more terms were set by the apex court related to non-disclosure of related party transactions and the manipulation of stock prices in contravention of existing laws. In addition, a separate Expert Committee was formed to inter alia examine whether there has been a regulatory failure in dealing with the alleged contravention of laws by the Adani group.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a puppet and you’re making it dance by pulling its strings. That’s kind of like manipulation. It means you’re controlling or changing something or someone, sometimes in a sneaky way.

MEANING: The action of influencing or controlling someone or something, often in a cunning way (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: muh-nip-yuh-LAY-shun

SYNONYMS: Influence, control, maneuvering, exploitation, scheming, cunning, trickery

1. The magician’s manipulation of the cards was impressive.
2. She didn’t like the manipulation involved in politics.
3. The photo underwent digital manipulation to enhance its colors.
4. His manipulation of the facts worried his friends.


CONTEXT: Two more terms were set by the apex court related to non-disclosure of related party transactions and the manipulation of stock prices in contravention of existing laws. In addition, a separate Expert Committee was formed to inter alia examine whether there has been a regulatory failure in dealing with the alleged contravention of laws by the Adani group.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a rule in your house that says “no jumping on the bed.” If you jump on the bed anyway, you are doing something against the rule. That’s what contravention means—doing something against a rule or law.

MEANING: The act of going against a rule, law, or command (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: kahn-truh-VEN-shun

SYNONYMS: Violation, infringement, breach, disobedience, transgression, defiance

1. The company was fined for the contravention of safety laws.
2. His actions were in contravention of school policy.
3. She was charged with contravention of traffic regulations.
4. The contravention of the agreement led to a lawsuit.


CONTEXT: Two more terms were set by the apex court related to non-disclosure of related party transactions and the manipulation of stock prices in contravention of existing laws. In addition, a separate Expert Committee was formed to inter alia examine whether there has been a regulatory failure in dealing with the alleged contravention of laws by the Adani group.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a toy box full of different toys like cars, dolls, and blocks. If someone asks you what’s in it and you say, “Well, I have cars, inter alia,” it means you have cars AND other things in there too. “Inter alia” is a fancy way to say “among other things.”

MEANING: Among other things (phrase).

PRONUNCIATION: in-ter AL-ee-uh

SYNONYMS: Amongst others, including, in addition to, along with, as well as, plus

1. The report discusses, inter alia, issues of climate change and pollution.
2. She knows Latin and Greek, inter alia.
3. The contract includes, inter alia, provisions for overtime pay.
4. Inter alia, he was a skilled musician.


CONTEXT: At a time when the government may bring in a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) by holding a special session of Parliament on September 18-22, 2023, there is a need to think beyond polygamy and divorce and other such issues

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: You know how most families have one mom and one dad? Well, polygamy is when someone has more than one husband or wife at the same time. It’s not common, and in some places, it’s not allowed.

MEANING: The practice of having more than one spouse simultaneously (noun).


SYNONYMS: Bigamy, plural marriage, multiple spouses, multigamy, group marriage

1. Polygamy is illegal in many countries.
2. The documentary explored the complexities of polygamy.
3. He was charged with polygamy.
4. In some cultures, polygamy is accepted and practiced.


CONTEXT: A UCC cannot confine itself to merely changing the rule of the father being the natural guardian. It must go beyond this and provide for, in unequivocal terms, the ‘best interests of child’ principle in all custody disputes. It must deny absolute rights of biological parents vis-à-vis adoptive parents.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: A guardian is like a superhero who takes care of you and keeps you safe. Sometimes, if mom and dad can’t be with you, a guardian is the adult who looks after you and makes sure you’re okay.

MEANING: A person who is legally responsible for taking care of someone, especially a child or someone who cannot take care of themselves (noun).


SYNONYMS: Protector, caretaker, custodian, overseer, warden, chaperone

1. Her aunt became her legal guardian after her parents passed away.
2. The guardian signed the school forms for the child.
3. As a guardian, he took his responsibilities very seriously.
4. The museum employed a guardian to watch over the artwork.


CONTEXT: A UCC cannot confine itself to merely changing the rule of the father being the natural guardian. It must go beyond this and provide for, in unequivocal terms, the ‘best interests of child’ principle in all custody disputes. It must deny absolute rights of biological parents vis-à-vis adoptive parents.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone asks you if you want ice cream, and you shout, “Yes!” really loudly and excitedly. That means you’re super sure you want ice cream; there’s no doubt about it. Unequivocal is a fancy word that means being very, very clear and sure about something.

MEANING: Leaving no doubt or being absolutely clear and certain (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: uhn-ih-KWIH-vuh-kuhl

SYNONYMS: Clear-cut, definite, unambiguous, indisputable, unquestionable, categorical

1. Her support for the cause was unequivocal.
2. The evidence was unequivocal, leaving no room for doubt.
3. He made an unequivocal statement about his intentions.
4. The results provided unequivocal proof of the theory.


CONTEXT: Setting up a committee can serve either of two purposes — open new pathways to understand issues so that they can be a guiding light to solve those or provide a comfortable cushion to delay decisive action on contentious issues.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine two kids fighting over a toy—that’s a situation that is contentious. Contentious means something that causes a lot of arguing or disagreements.

MEANING: Likely to cause arguments or disputes (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Controversial, disputatious, argumentative, combative, quarrelsome

1. The issue became a contentious topic in the meeting.
2. He has a contentious relationship with his sister.
3. The candidate made a contentious statement during the debate.
4. Avoiding contentious subjects is sometimes wise in social settings.


CONTEXT: The Hema Committee, constituted in the aftermath of the actor assault case, a seminal event which fuelled questions related to gender in the film industry, had submitted the report to the Chief Minister on December 31, 2019.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you plant a seed and it grows into a big, beautiful tree. That seed is like something seminal—it’s very important and starts something big or new

MEANING: Having a strong influence on ideas, works, or events that come later; foundational (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Influential, groundbreaking, pioneering, original, formative

1. The scientist made a seminal discovery.
2. That was a seminal moment in her career.
3. His book is considered a seminal work on the subject.
4. The seminal research paved the way for further studies.


CONTEXT: It remains to be seen whether the latest committee will come up with anything concrete, and whether it will also take into consideration the changing contours of the industry with the evolution of technology, the impact of artificial intelligence on the filmmaking process, along with other long-standing concerns.

SOURCE: The Hindu

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a squishy toy. If you run your finger along the shape of the toy, you’re feeling its contours. Contours are the shapes and lines that make up something.

MEANING: The outline or shape of something (noun).


SYNONYMS: Outlines, shapes, profiles, forms, silhouettes, lines

1. The artist carefully drew the contours of the mountain.
2. The contour of the lake was beautiful at sunset.
3. She studied the contours of his face.
4. The map showed the contours of the land.


Vocabulary Daily Use Words

Fostering Mastery in Vocabulary Daily Use Words: An Enriching Approach

Mastering the art of effective communication involves acquiring a rich vocabulary. A crucial component to this is the learning of vocabulary daily use words. However, how does one assimilate these vocabulary daily use words efficiently into their lexicon? Let’s explore some helpful strategies.

Firstly, the most organic way to encounter vocabulary daily use words is through reading extensively. By reading a variety of texts, we not only come across a plethora of vocabulary daily use words but also understand their contextual application. Books, articles, and even social media posts can provide us with ample examples and familiarity.

Another constructive method is to develop a dedicated vocabulary journal. Here, you can jot down the vocabulary daily use words, their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and form sentences using them. Regularly revisiting and revising from this journal will enhance your comprehension and recall of vocabulary daily use words.

Mnemonic strategies can also be extremely beneficial in remembering vocabulary daily use words. This could be through associating a word with a related image, creating a catchy jingle, or even forming a story. These visual and auditory cues aid in retaining the vocabulary daily use words, making your learning experience engaging and efficient.

Moreover, the key to mastering vocabulary daily use words lies in their practical application. Use them in your day-to-day conversations, emails, or social media posts. This not only helps in retention but also ensures that your language usage remains rich and diversified.

Finally, exploring and appreciating the history and etymology of words can make your encounter with vocabulary daily use words more fulfilling. The more interested and curious you are about the words you learn, the better you remember them.

In conclusion, the successful learning of vocabulary daily use words involves strategic reading, maintaining a word journal, employing mnemonic devices, using the words regularly, and fostering a spirit of language curiosity. With these strategies, you are sure to enhance your command over vocabulary daily use words, thus enriching your verbal expression.

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