Directions: The pie chart given here shows the breakup of the cost of construction of a house on various heads. Study the chart and answer the questions.
Break-up of the cost of construction of a house (All data is in degree)
Question 1: If the total of construction of the house is Rs.1500000, how much money was spent on labour?
(a) Rs.90000
(b) Rs.250000
(c) Rs.360000
(d) Rs.375000
Question 2: The total expenditure incurred on brick, steel and cement is what per cent of the total cost of construction?
(a) 50
(b) 54
(c) 72
(d) 75
Question 3: The expenditure incurred on timber is what per cent of the expenditure on cement?
(a) 36
(b) 50
(c) 72
(d) 18
Question 4: Out of the total cost (Rs.1500000) of construction,what amount of money was spent on labour and supervision combined together?
(a) Rs.144000
(b) Rs.300000
(c) Rs.600000
(d) Rs.750000
Answers and Explanations