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Sports is one of the most sort after of all the forms of entertainments. Many schools offer degrees that relate to the sports industry, but an MBA in sports management is a versatile option in that it can set you up for a huge variety of careers both in and outside of sport. Whether you are working for an individual team or for a company with a wider remit, top business schools all work on preparing their graduates for real-world experiences and the type of sports management jobs and roles that are out there.

Article Compilation for Sports

How does this section work?

Well, it is simple. We will keep adding fresh reading links to this page, in the column given on the right of the page. The column would carry fresh articles every month that you should explore and read. Also, we would be adding fresh RCs from the area, as and when they are uploaded on the website. All in all, this section of the website would be constantly expanded to offer you the best possible reading suggestions.

Authors to explore in the field of Sports

1. Michael Monroe Lewis:

Michael Monroe Lewis is an American non-fiction author and financial journalist. His bestselling books include Liar’s Poker , The New New Thing , Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game, Panic, Home Game: An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood , The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine , Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World  and Flash Boys. He has also been a contributing editor to Vanity Fair since 2009. His most recent book is called The Undoing Project

2. Jeanne Marie Laskas:

Jeanne Marie Laskas is the New York Times best-selling author of Concussion (Penguin Random House, 2015) and the 2009 GQ article “Game Brain,” which inspired the Golden Globe-nominated movie, Concussion, starring Will Smith and Alec Baldwin. She is the author of six other books (source:

3. John Feinstein:

John Feinstein is the author of 35 books, including the two best-selling sports books of all time: “A Season on The Brink,” and “A Good Walk Spoiled,” both No. 1 New York Times bestsellers. Ten of his books have been mysteries written for kids. The first of these, “Last Shot,” won The Edgar Allen Poe Award for mystery writing and was also a New York Times bestseller. His most recent non-fiction book, “Where Nobody Knows Your Name,” was his 23rd New York Times bestseller. His 36th book, “The Legends Club, “chronicles the rivalries and relationships among Mike Krzyzewski, Dean Smith and Jim Valvano. (source:

4. George Plimpton:

George Ames Plimpton was an American journalist, writer, literary editor, actor and occasional amateur sportsman. He is widely known for his sports writing and for helping to found The Paris Review. He was also famous for “participatory journalism” which included competing in professional sporting events, acting in a Western, performing a comedy act at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, and playing with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and then recording the experience from the point of view of an amateur.(source:wikipedia)

5. Dan Jenkins:

Dan Jenkins is an American author and sportswriter who often wrote for Sports Illustrated. Jenkins was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas, where he attended R. L. Paschal High School and Texas Christian University (TCU), where he played on the varsity golf team. Jenkins has worked for many publications including the Fort Worth Press, Dallas Times Herald, Playboy, and Sports Illustrated, where among other things he covered the 1966, 1967, 1969 and 1971 versions of the college football Game of the Century. In 1985 he retired from Sports Illustrated and began writing books full-time, although he maintains a monthly column in Golf Digest magazine. (source: wikipedia)

Sports and the terms associated with it:

 Here is a list of the names of some of the sports and the terms related to it:

  • Basketball: A team sport played by two different teams each consisting of five members on a rectangular court. The objective of the game is to target the ball to get through the hoop fixed at each end of the court
  • Terms related: Backboard, Free throw, common foul, Double Dribble, Lay-Up, Rebound, Turnover etc.
  • Volleyball: A team sport played by two different teams each separated by a net consisting of six members on a rectangular court. The objective of the game is to target grounding the ball to the opponent’s side.
  • Terms related: Serving Zone, Double Hit, Back row, red card, yellow card, smash, pass, point, ace etc.
  • Archery: It’s a kind of sport that involves bow and arrows. The objective of this sport is to shoot arrow/s with the use of the bow at the specified target.
  • Terms related: Eye, Quiver, Shaft, Bulls eye, Cock feather , Anchor point , Arrowhead  , arrow rest , Bow string , Bracing
  • Swimming: Swimming involves movement through water.
  • Terms related: Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle, Goggles, butterfly, lane, Dive etc.
  • Chess: Chess is a mind game involving strategy wherein two people play against each other. The game involves sixteen pieces to be moved through the chessboard, the movement governed by the game rules. The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s king
  • Terms related: castle, check, checkmate, En Passant, knight, piece, touch move, fifty-move rule, draw, endgame
  • Athletics: Athletics involves sports that include running, jumping, walking and throwing, broadly classifying these into track and field events, cross country running and walking races, road running and walking races.
  • Terms related: Decathlon, Hammer throw, Heptathlon, High jump, Hurdles, Lane, Lap, Marathon, Pole vault, shot put, hammer throw, Steeplechase, Javelin etc.
  • Gymnastics: Exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination. The modern sport of gymnastics typically involves exercises on bars, beam, floor, and vaulting horse. (source: oxford dictionary)
  • Terms related: Aerial, Dismount, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Balance Beam, Handspring, Flic flac etc.
  • Cycling: A sport that involves riding a cycle for various types of racing competitions
  • Terms related: Bridge, Cassette, chase, sprint, crosswinds, block, Jersey etc.
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