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Eulogy, pronounced as yoo-luh-jee, is usually the praise one receives when one is dead.

The main character in the advert given below has her own form of expressing her praise. In her case, emotions do flow out and it makes the ad a particularly touching one. It is one that I would remember for sure.

Dictionary Definitions for Eulogy:

1. A speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, especially a set oration in honor of a deceased person.

2. High praise or commendation.

Usage Examples for Eulogy:
1. The eulogy is being prepared by Bush’s chief speechwriter, Michael Gerson, who also wrote the president’s moving speech for a memorial service in the same cathedral after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. –
2. A funeral is a solemn rite of passage, and since the days of ancient civilization, the eulogy has been a speech of good words for the dead. — The Wall Street Journal, “The Last Laugh”

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