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Definition & Meaning: Extra Word Root

What does Extra Word Root mean?
The word Extra has been derived from
Extraordinary comes from the Latin phrase Extra ordinem, outside the normal course of events; an extramural course of study derives from Latin Extra muros, outside the walls; extravagant from Latin vagari, wander; extraneous fromextraneus, external; something extra-marital occurs outside marriage, especially a sexual relationship.
Technical terms derived from the same source include extrapolate (Extra- plus the second part of interpolate), to infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information; extraterrestrial, of or from outside the earth or its atmosphere (or a hypothetical or fictional being from outer space, especially an intelligent one); extravehicular, relating to work performed outside a spacecraft; extravasation (Latin vas, vessel), the escape of fluids from the vessels that naturally contain them.
We’ve all heard of ESP, or Extrasensory Perception, which is a “sixth sense” of sorts that goes beyond or “outside” of our normal five senses to give us information that we normally would not have access to, such as what is going to happen in the future or the ability to know what another person is thinking. Perhaps such ESP is commonplace among aliens or extraterrestrial life, or life that thrives “outside” of or beyond planet Earth.extra Root Word: Learn words related to word root extra

Words Based on the Extra-Word Root

Following is a list of words based on the Extra-Word Root:

1. Extra: “Outside” What Is Considered To Be A Normal Amount Of Something.
2. Extraordinary: “Outside” The Ordinary.
3. Extra Credit: “Outside” Credit.
4. Extracurricular: “Outside” The General Curriculum Of A School.
5. Extrasensory: Of Being “Outside” The Five Senses.
6. Extraterrestrial: Of Being “Outside” The Planet Earth.
7. Extravagant: Wandering “Outside” Normal Boundaries, Usually Of Cost.
8. Extrovert: Turned “Outside” Of Oneself.
9. Extravert: Variant Spelling Of “Extrovert”.
10. Extraneous: Of Information That Is Not Necessary To Something, Hence “Outside” Of What Is Needed.
11. Extraconal: Outside a cone.
12. Extramusical: Apart from and in addition to music.
13. Extramuscular: Not located in muscles.
14. Extracortical: Outside a cortex.
15. Extranormal: Outside or beyond what is normal.

We hope this article on the commonly used Extra Word Root and it has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Root Word Extra and enhance your vocabulary.
We can see how much easier it becomes to memorize any word if we can link it with something that we can never forget. That is the power of word root that can help us to break down complex words and easily fathom their meaning.

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