Definition & Meaning: Extra Word Root

Words Based on the Extra Word Root
Commonly Used Words Based on this Word Root
- Extra: Outside what is considered a normal amount of something.
- Extraordinary: Outside the ordinary.
- Extra Credit: Outside credit.
- Extracurricular: Outside the general curriculum of a school.
- Extrasensory: Of being outside the five senses.
- Extraterrestrial: Of being outside the planet Earth.
- Extravagant: Wandering outside normal boundaries, usually of cost.
- Extrovert: Turned outside of oneself.
- Extraneous: Of information that is not necessary to something, hence outside of what is needed.
Archaic Words Based on this Word Root
- Extramusical: Apart from and in addition to music.
- Extramuscular: Not located in muscles.
Technical Words/Jargon Based on this Word Root
- Extraconal: Outside a cone.
- Extracortical: Outside a cortex.
- Extranormal: Outside or beyond what is normal.
Related Word Roots
1. Ultra- (beyond)
- Ultraviolet: Beyond the violet end of the spectrum.
- Ultrasonic: Sound waves beyond the range of human hearing.
2. Super- (above, over)
- Supernatural: Above or beyond what is natural.
- Supersonic: Greater than the speed of sound.
3. Meta- (beyond, after)
- Metaphysical: Beyond the physical.
- Metamorphosis: Change of form beyond the current state.
Understanding the root “Extra” and its related word roots enhances our vocabulary by linking complex words to familiar concepts. This knowledge makes it easier to grasp and remember new words, enriching our language and comprehension.