Definition & Meaning: Fer Word Root
Words Based on the Fer Word Root
Commonly Used Words based on this Word Root
- Transfer: ‘carry’ across
- Suffer: ‘carry’ under
- Different: ‘carried’ apart
- Refer: ‘carry’ back
- Prefer: ‘carry’ before
- Fertile: ‘carries’ much fruit
- Infer: ‘carry’ into
- Circumference: a ‘carrying’ around
Archaic Words based on this Word Root
- Referendum: vote ‘carried’ back
- Vociferous: voice ‘carrying’
Technical Words/Jargon based on this Word Root
- Coniferous: cone ‘carrying’
- Deferment: act of putting off to a future time
- Deferential: showing deference
- Defer: hold back to a later time
- Inference: A logical conclusion drawn from available data using reason
- Aquifer: underground bed or layer yielding groundwater for wells and springs
Related Word Roots
1. Port (Latin: ‘carry’)
The root port also means to carry, similar to Fer, and forms words like:
- Transport: To carry across
- Import: To carry in
- Export: To carry out
2. Gest (Latin: ‘carry, bear’)
The root gest is another root meaning to carry or bear, found in words like:
- Gestation: The process of carrying or being carried in the womb between conception and birth
- Gesture: A movement of part of the body to express an idea or meaning
- Digest: To carry food through the digestive system
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