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Article Title: Why, this year, Last Night of the Proms will be woke


Article Summary

In the article at issue, the composer author makes his case for why he thinks western classical music should be inclusive, and relates his efforts towards making it that way. He has composed a piece called ‘Woke’, which is to play on closing night for the British classical music festival Proms. The term ‘woke’, as he narrates, has come to mean awareness around social prejudice in the western world, mostly surrounding the race issue. This is why the author decided to use that word to name his composition. He was born multi-racial, and growing up, he played music and earned laurels in that line which helped him to study at prestigious places. He took up the study of music composition at the Royal College of Music – all this depicting a fulfilling career. However, in one aspect, he confesses feeling appalled. He always noted a lack of diversity in classical music, with a lack of minority-race children at practice, and biracial or coloured musicians being denied accolades, unrecognised, and even murdered. Several justifications were floated around to justify this white supremacy, but none passed muster. Therefore, in a bid to promote racial inclusion, the author has named his composition ‘Woke”, hoping he can take little steps to help combat prejudice.

Article Link: Click here to read the full article


Words to learn from this article:

Empowering: something that gives confidence and authority.

Vigilant: watchful, cautious.

Diluted: (here) reduced in impact.

Triptych: a collection of three artistic or cultural objects.

Quarry: (here) mine for, look for extraction.

Vista: the view(especially pleasing) or horizon visible from somewhere.


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