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Article Title: Are You Asking the Right Questions?


Article Summary

This is an Intuitive Psychological Article which aims to discuss about Appreciative Inquiry and how it is helping us and our surroundings for a better Present and Future.  The Author interviewed John Bergoff from Flourishing Leadership Institute who answers the questions about Appreciative Inquiry (AI); has helped to people to understand themselves better, their work and innovation driving factor to cultivate a deeper sense of purpose.

AI is a unique method as it does not avoid the problem but works through different sets of techniques for the same problem to get a focus on what a person values and is willing to take responsibility. Jon informs the author about the simple 4-D cycle to guide such questions that are discovering what makes a person feel alive and good about themselves; dreaming of positivity; designing pathways to make those dreams into reality and deploying responsibility to make their dreams come true.

This approach of AI has helped the City of Cleveland to become a “thriving green city on a blue lake” by having an AI submit and bringing people together from all jonours and their ideas to discover Economic, Social and Environmental wellbeing of all Citizens.

Through the words of Jon the author expresses that AI helps in transforming the organisation. Mr Jon offered 3 suggestions for this like questioning of purpose – about the purpose of work , whether it makes our day meaningful and whether it is important to us or not. Questioning about strength– by analysing the strengths of the team in the past and what made them possible. Questions that connect us to the images of the future that is the new opportunities awaiting for us and fuelling us with hope and solutions for the budding future.


Article Link: Click here to read the full article


Words to learn from this Article:

Momentum – the quantity of motion of moving body

Optimism – hopefulness and confidence about the future

Leverage – the power to influence a person or situation

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