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Current Affairs Quiz 6th February 2024

Directions for the quiz:

1. This quiz, that is the Current Affairs Quiz 6th February2024, is meant to be a check for your learning and is meant to serve as a tool for assessment.

2. Current Affairs Quiz 6th February2024 is designed to check your Current Affairs General Knowledge and provide you with an assessment of the same.

3. Each question in Current Affairs Quiz 6th February2024 followed by 4 options. Select the most appropriate option for the question.

4. Before you take this quiz, we would recommend to you to go through the article,Daily Current Affairs Today 6th February2024



Question 1:

Where was the Eratosthenes Canyon discovered?

A) Near Crete

B) Near Cyprus

C) Near Sicily

D) Near Malta

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: B) Near Cyprus

  • Explanation: The canyon was discovered in the waters near Cyprus by scientists from the Geological Institute of Israel, hence option B is correct.



Question 2:

What was the theme of Safer Internet Day 2024?

A) Digital Inclusion

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B) Cybersecurity Awareness

C) Online Privacy

D) Inspiring Change

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: D) Inspiring Change

  • Explanation: Safer Internet Day 2024 focused on the theme “Inspiring Change. Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online,” making D the correct choice.



Question 3:

Who has been recognized in the Global Brand Guardianship Index 2024?

A) Mukesh Ambani

B) Sundar Pichai

C) Satya Nadella

D) Indra Nooyi

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: A) Mukesh Ambani

  • Explanation: Mukesh Ambani was recognized in the Brand Guardianship Index 2024, placing first among Indian executives and second globally, thus A is correct.



Question 4:

Where did the Bharat Rang Mahotsav theatre festival commence?

A) Mumbai

B) Delhi

C) Kolkata

D) Gujarat

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: D) Gujarat

  • Explanation: The festival commenced in the district of Kachchh, Gujarat, making D the correct answer.



Question 5:

What is the primary goal of the “Dhami against drugs campaign” launched in Uttarakhand?

A) To promote drug education

B) To eliminate drug abuse by 2025

C) To support drug rehabilitation centers

D) To increase drug trafficking surveillance

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: B) To eliminate drug abuse by 2025

  • Explanation: The campaign aims to eliminate drug abuse in the state by 2025, making B the correct answer.



Question 6:

What significant structure was erected in Gardanibagh, Patna, as a homage to Mahatma Gandhi?

A) Gandhi Museum

B) Peace Park

C) Bapu Tower

D) Gandhi Statue

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: C) Bapu Tower

  • Explanation: The Bapu Tower, a 120-foot structure, was erected as a monumental homage to Mahatma Gandhi, thus C is correct.



Question 7:

How much was Jammu and Kashmir allocated in the interim budget for the fiscal year 2024-25?

A) $10 billion

B) $12 billion

C) $14 billion

D) $16 billion

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: C) $14 billion

  • Explanation: Jammu and Kashmir received a $14 billion allocation in the interim budget, making C the correct answer.



Question 8:

What did the RBI’s annual report on the banking sector for 2022-23 emphasize about India’s banking system and NBFCs?

A) Need for regulatory reforms

B) High capital ratios and improved asset quality

C) Increasing non-performing assets

D) Decreasing profitability

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: B) High capital ratios and improved asset quality

  • Explanation: The report highlighted the strength of India’s banking system and NBFCs, marked by high capital ratios and improved asset quality, making B the correct choice.



Question 9:

Who was appointed as the new Advocate General of Rajasthan?

A) Rajendra Prasad Gupta

B) MS Singhvi

C) Kalraj Mishra

D) Anil Chauhan

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: A) Rajendra Prasad Gupta

  • Explanation: Rajendra Prasad Gupta was appointed as the new Advocate General of Rajasthan, hence A is correct.



Question 10:

Who is set to address the World Government Summit in Dubai?

A) Narendra Modi

B) Joe Biden

C) Boris Johnson

D) Emmanuel Macron

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: A) Narendra Modi

  • Explanation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to speak at the World Government Summit, making A the correct answer.



Question 11:

Which organization was awarded for the Best Green Bond – Corporate at The Asset Triple A Awards?

A) REC Limited




Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: A) REC Limited

  • Explanation: REC Limited received the award for its issuance of USD Green Bonds worth $750 million, thus A is correct.



Question 12:

Who has been honored with a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ award by the Sports Journalists Federation of India (SJFI)?

A) Sachin Tendulkar

B) Milkha Singh

C) PT Usha

D) Mary Kom

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: C) PT Usha

  • Explanation: PT Usha was bestowed with a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ award for her contributions to Indian athletics, making C the correct answer.



Question 13:

What initiative was approved near the Noida International Airport in Jewar, Uttar Pradesh?

A) A technology park

B) An international sports complex

C) An Adiyogi Shiva statue

D) A biodiversity park

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: C) An Adiyogi Shiva statue

  • Explanation: The Civil Aviation Ministry approved the installation of a 242 feet high Adiyogi Shiva statue, making C the correct choice.



Question 14:

What does the book ‘Artificial Intelligence and National Security’ focus on?

A) The ethical implications of AI

B) The integration of AI with national defense strategies

C) The history of AI development

D) The economic impact of AI

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: B) The integration of AI with national defense strategies

  • Explanation: The book highlights the integration of AI into national defense strategies, making B the correct answer.



Question 15:

Who was recognized as the ‘Outstanding Business Woman of the Year 2023’?

A) Nita Ambani

B) Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

C) Indra Nooyi

D) Bina Modi

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: D) Bina Modi

  • Explanation: Dr. Bina Modi was awarded the title for her leadership and contributions to the industry, thus D is correct.



Question 16:

Who has been named the new Vice Chief of the Indian Army?

A) Lieutenant General MV Suchindra Kumar

B) Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi

C) General Bipin Rawat

D) General MM Naravane

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: B) Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi

  • Explanation: Lt Gen. Upendra Dwivedi has been appointed as the new Vice Chief, making B the correct answer.



Question 17:

What is the significant discovery made by scientists from the Geological Institute of Israel in the waters near Cyprus?

A) A new species of marine life

B) An ancient shipwreck

C) An underwater canyon

D) Oil reserves

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: C) An underwater canyon

  • Explanation: The discovery of the Eratosthenes Canyon, a massive underwater canyon, makes C the correct answer.



Question 18:

Who joined K.R. Mangalam University as a Distinguished Professor at The School of Legal Studies?

A) Hon’ble Justice U.U. Lalit

B) Hon’ble Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman

C) Hon’ble Justice D.Y. Chandrachud

D) Hon’ble Justice S.A. Bobde

Answer and Explanation

Correct Answer: A) Hon’ble Justice U.U. Lalit

  • Explanation: Former Chief Justice of India, Hon’ble Justice U.U. Lalit, was appointed as a Distinguished Professor, making A the correct answer.
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