
GK Current Affairs Quiz: January 22nd, 2024

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Current Affairs Quiz 22nd January 2024

Directions for the quiz:

1. This quiz, that is the Current Affairs Quiz 22nd January2024, is meant to be a check for your learning and is meant to serve as a tool for assessment.

2. Current Affairs Quiz 22nd January2024 is designed to check your Current Affairs General Knowledge and provide you with an assessment of the same.

3. Each question in Current Affairs Quiz 22nd January2024 followed by 4 options. Select the most appropriate option for the question.

4. Before you take this quiz, we would recommend to you to go through the article,Daily Current Affairs Today 22nd January2024



Question 1:

What innovative feature has the Ayodhya Ram Temple introduced for the idol of Ram Lalla?

A) Solar-powered Diya

B) Solar-powered “Surya Tilak”

C) Solar-powered Aarti

D) Solar-powered Chakra

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B) Solar-powered “Surya Tilak”
  • Explanation: The Ayodhya Ram Temple has introduced a solar-powered “Surya Tilak” for the idol of Ram Lalla, designed to project sunlight as a ‘Tilak’ on Lord Ram’s statue.



Question 2:

What is the “Pran Pratishtha” ceremony at the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya?

A) A music festival

B) An art exhibition

C) A spiritual awakening ceremony for Lord Ram’s idol

D) A lighting ceremony

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C) A spiritual awakening ceremony for Lord Ram’s idol
  • Explanation: The “Pran Pratishtha” ceremony at the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya symbolizes the spiritual awakening of Lord Ram’s idol.



Question 3:

What is the duration of the ‘Mool Muhurat’ during the inauguration of Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir?

A) 48 minutes

B) 84 minutes

C) 84 seconds

D) 12 hours

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C) 84 seconds
  • Explanation: The ‘Mool Muhurat’ during the inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is a crucial 84-second duration, part of a larger 48-minute ‘Abhijit Muhurat’.



Question 4:

Who recently inaugurated five new galleries at the Salar Jung Museum in Hyderabad?

A) Prime Minister of India

B) President of India

C) Union Minister for Culture and Tourism, G. Kishan Reddy

D) Chief Minister of Telangana

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C) Union Minister for Culture and Tourism, G. Kishan Reddy
  • Explanation: Union Minister for Culture and Tourism, G. Kishan Reddy, inaugurated five new galleries at the Salar Jung Museum in Hyderabad.



Question 5:

What is the purpose of the “Ayush Diksha” centre founded in Bhubaneswar?

A) To promote yoga and meditation

B) To be a leading institution for Ayush professionals

C) To serve as a tourist attraction

D) To conduct scientific research on space

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B) To be a leading institution for Ayush professionals
  • Explanation: The “Ayush Diksha” centre, whose foundation was laid in Bhubaneswar, aims to be a leading institution for Ayush professionals, focusing on collaboration, capacity building, and research in Ayurveda.



Question 6:

What does the Mamani Ethnic Food Festival in Purig showcase?

A) International cuisine

B) Ladakh’s cultural richness and culinary diversity

C) Fast food innovations

D) Seafood specialties

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B) Ladakh’s cultural richness and culinary diversity
  • Explanation: The Mamani Ethnic Food Festival in Purig showcases Ladakh’s cultural richness and culinary diversity.



Question 7:

Which three states celebrated their 52nd statehood anniversary on January 21, 2024?

A) Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal

B) Karnataka, Goa, and Kerala

C) Tripura, Manipur, and Meghalaya

D) Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C) Tripura, Manipur, and Meghalaya
  • Explanation: Tripura, Manipur, and Meghalaya marked their 52nd statehood anniversary on January 21, 2024.



Question 8:

What is the objective of Operation Sarvashakti initiated by the Indian Army?

A) To combat climate change

B) To build new military bases

C) To combat terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir

D) To conduct military exercises with foreign armies

Click here to learn more

Answer: C) To combat terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir
  • Explanation: Operation Sarvashakti was initiated by the Indian Army to combat terrorist groups in Jammu and Kashmir.



Question 9:

What does the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, 2003, require from the Indian government?

A) To reduce military spending

B) To increase educational spending

C) To present specific documents related to fiscal policy alongside the annual budget

D) To privatize government-owned companies

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C) To present specific documents related to fiscal policy alongside the annual budget
  • Explanation: The FRBM Act of 2003 requires the Indian government to present specific documents related to fiscal policy alongside the annual budget.



Question 10:

Who was approved as the new Managing Director and CEO of DCB Bank by the Reserve Bank of India?

A) Raghuram Rajan

B) Praveen Achuthan Kutty

C) Shaktikanta Das

D) Urjit Patel

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B) Praveen Achuthan Kutty
  • Explanation: Praveen Achuthan Kutty was approved by the Reserve Bank of India as the new Managing Director and CEO of DCB Bank.



Question 11:

Why did Sony withdraw from its $10 billion merger deal with Zee Entertainment?

A) Due to regulatory issues

B) Because of market competition

C) Due to failure to meet conditions within the 24-month deadline

D) Change in corporate strategy

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C) Due to failure to meet conditions within the 24-month deadline
  • Explanation: Sony withdrew from the $10 billion merger deal with Zee Entertainment due to the failure to meet the necessary conditions within the 24-month deadline.



Question 12:

What did the World Health Organization publish regarding Large Multi-Modal Models like ChatGPT in healthcare?

A) A report on its ineffectiveness

B) Guidelines for ethical use

C) A warning about its dangers

D) A promotion of its universal adoption

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B) Guidelines for ethical use
  • Explanation: The World Health Organization published guidelines for the ethical use of Large Multi-Modal Models (LMM) like ChatGPT in healthcare.



Question 13:

Which four electricity distribution companies received A+ ratings in the Consumer Service Rating of Discoms (CSRD) report?

A) Companies from Mumbai and Kolkata

B) Companies from Delhi and Uttar Pradesh

C) Companies from Bangalore and Chennai

D) Companies from Hyderabad and Ahmedabad

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B) Companies from Delhi and Uttar Pradesh
  • Explanation: Four electricity distribution companies from Delhi and Uttar Pradesh were awarded A+ ratings in the CSRD report.



Question 14:

What was the theme of the 19th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit held in Uganda?

A) Global Economic Development

B) Deepening Cooperation for Shared Global Affluence

C) Climate Change and Sustainability

D) Technological Innovations in Developing Nations

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B) Deepening Cooperation for Shared Global Affluence
  • Explanation: The theme of the 19th NAM Summit in Uganda was ‘Deepening Cooperation for Shared Global Affluence’.
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