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Current Affairs Quiz 11th April 2023

Directions for the quiz:

1. This quiz, that is the Current Affairs Quiz 11th April 2023, is meant to be a check for your learning and is meant to serve as a tool for assessment.

2. Current Affairs Quiz 11th April 2023 is designed to check your Current Affairs General Knowledge and provide you with an assessment of the same.

3. Each question in Current Affairs Quiz 11th April 2023 followed by 4 options. Select the most appropriate option for the question.

4. Before you take this quiz, we would recommend to you to go through the article,Daily Current Affairs Today 11th April 2023


Question 1:

In which locations is the bilateral air exercise Cope India 23 taking place?

A) Air Force Stations Arjan Singh (Panagarh), Kalaikunda, and Agra

B) Air Force Stations Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai

C) Air Force Stations Gwalior, Pune, and Hyderabad

D) Air Force Stations Kolkata, Bangalore, and Jaipur

Answer and Explanation

Answer: A

  • Explanation: Cope India 23 is being held at Air Force Stations Arjan Singh in Panagarh, Kalaikunda, and Agra, as mentioned in the passage.


Question 2:

What is the primary goal of the collaboration between UIDAI and IIT Bombay?

A) To develop a mobile capture system for facial recognition

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B) To create a liveness model for fingerprints

C) To enhance mobile game development

D) To promote digital literacy

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

  • Explanation: The collaboration aims to develop a touchless biometric capture system with a liveness model for fingerprints, as outlined in the passage.


Question 3:

Why was Google fined $32 million in South Korea?

A) For unfair advertising practices

B) For blocking a competitor’s release of video games

C) For data privacy violations

D) For monopolizing the smartphone market

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

  • Explanation: Google was fined $32 million in South Korea for obstructing a competitor’s release of video games, as detailed in the passage.


Question 4:

Which Indian language received the first edition of the Constitution of India in its native version?

A) Hindi

B) Bengali

C) Dogri

D) Tamil

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

  • Explanation: The first edition of the Constitution of India in its native version was released in Dogri, as mentioned in the passage.
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