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Current Affairs Quiz March 2 2018

Directions for the quiz:
1. This quiz, that is the Current Affairs Quiz March 2 2018, is meant to be a check for your learning and is meant to serve as a tool for assessment.
2. Current Affairs Quiz March 2 2018 is designed to check your Current Affairs General Knowledge and provide you with an assessment of the same.
3. Each question in Current Affairs Quiz March 2 2018 followed by 4 options. Select the most appropriate option for the question.
4. Before you take this quiz, we would recommend to you to go through the article, Daily Current Affairs Today 2 March 2018

Question 1:How much is the lending rate of SBI?
A. 7.6%
B. 7.9%
C. 8%
D. 8.15%

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

The State Bank raised its lending rates by 20 basis points to 8.15% with immediate effect setting the tone for the industry to follow suit. This is likely to make home and car loans costlier. This is the first lending revision by the bank since April 2016.

Question 2:Which of the following city is not under the Nirbhaya Fund?
A. Patna
B. Ahmedabad
C. Lucknow
D. Hyderabad

Answer and Explanation

Answer: A

Patna is not under Nirbhaya Fund. The cities Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Lucknow are under Nirbhaya Fund.

Question 3:Which state government has tied up with Wikipedia to promote their state language globally?
A. Karnataka
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Maharashtra
D. Odisha

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C

To promote Marathi globally and increase its online usage, the Maharashtra govt has announced a collaboration with online encyclopaedia Wikipedia.

Question 4:Which country has offered to mediate in talks between the Afghanistan government and Taliban militant group?
A. India
B. Pakistan
C. China

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

Pakistan has offered to mediate in talks between the Afghan govt and Taliban militant group. This comes after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said that his govt was willing to recognize the Taliban as a political group to bring an end to the 16-year-long war.

Question 5:Who saw the biggest decline of market capitalisation $3.74 billion in 4 days recently?
A. Mark Zuckerberg
B. Tim Cook
C. Warren Buffett
D. Thomas Spencer

Answer and Explanation

Answer: C Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett saw the biggest decline of $3.74 billion, followed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who lost $3.71 billion.

Question 6:Which of the following platform has refused to share user data over leak of financial details of 24 companies with SEBI?
A. Whatsapp
B. Facebook
C. WeChat
D. Hike

Answer and Explanation

Answer: A

On the grounds of privacy, Whatsapp has refused to share user data with Securities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI). This comes after the market regulator asked Whatsapp to provide information over leak of financial details of 24 companies on the instant messaging app.

Question 7:Which country was banned from February’s Winter Olympics games by the International Olympic Committee(IOC) over state-sponsored doping?
A. China
B. Germany
C. France
D. Russia

Answer and Explanation

Answer: D

Russia was banned from February’s games by the IOC over state-sponsored doping. Russia’s Olympic membership has been restored by International Olympic Committee(IOC) with immediate effect following its suspension from the Winter Olympics at Pyeongchang in S Korea.

Question 8:Who broke the world record for the 100-104 age category in the 50m freestyle in swimming?
A. Jaring Timmerman
B. George Corones
C. Albert Mitchell
D. William Specter

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

George Corones, who turns 100 in April, completed the 50m freestyle in 56.12 seconds, surpassing the previous record of 1 min 16 sec set by late Canadian swimmer Jaring Timmerman in 2009.

Question 9:Which country has said that it is unable to confirm presence of Nirav Modi in their country?
A. The US
B. France
C. Germany
D. Portugal

Answer and Explanation

Answer: A

The US govt said that it is unable to confirm reports of Nirav Modi’s presence in the country. This comes after reports recently suggested that Nirav Modi was seen in New York.

Question 10:Which bill is recently being cleared by the Union Cabinet regarding the defaulters?
A. To seize assets of economic defaulters, if they are convicted
B. To seize assets of economic defaulters, even if they aren’t convicted
C. To revoke passport of economic defaulter
D. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: B

The Union Cabinet has cleared a bill allowing authorities to confiscate all assets of economic defaulters who flee the country, even if they aren’t convicted.

Daily Current Affairs: 2 March


General Knowledge Tests for February-2018
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Daily Current Affairs 2 March 2018 Current Affairs Quiz March 2 2018 Current Affairs Infographic

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