Learn Words

Hindi + English = Hinglish

This is where we make it easy for Indian students to learn words: we use simple Hindi associations, mnemonics, contexts, and videos to explain the meanings of words.

Letter K Words

Letter N Words

Letter O Words

Letter Q Words

What is this section all about?

This section employs the use of Hindi (or to put it better, Hindi in English) to explain English words. We strongly believe that one’s mother tongue is the langauge any person finds it easiest to learn anything. We extend the same logic when it comes to langauge learning.

Who is this section for?

This section is purely for the students of the Indian sub-continent. Since we are an India-based Edtech venture, it makes sense for us to come up with something for our Indian audience and this section caters to the needs of Indian students.

How to use this section?

We have come up an amazingly simple navigation structure that makes is super-easy you to explore the words in this seciton. You can simply browse this page and click on the word you wish to learn. Or you could also use CTRL+F (keyboard shortcut) to find any particular word.


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