

How to use contexts, sentences and conversations to learn words
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Indict is legal word and its usage revolves around legal aspects.  Its word that is used repreadtedly in newspapers. A google search of the word would return you these results:

In each of the above cases, the person has been charged of wrongdoing. Please remember, to indict is to formally accuse someone (that is in court or before a formal authority) and does not mean that the person is guilty.

The dictionary definitions for Indicted are as follows:
1. To accuse of wrongdoing; charge: a book that indicts modern values.
2. Law: To make a formal accusation or indictment against (a party) by the findings of a jury, especially a grand jury.

Word in Context:

The following is an extract from The Washington Post used for educational purposes: 

Read further on: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/john-edwards-indictment-expected-today/2011/06/03/AGQwEuHH_story.html?hpid=z1

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