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Suggested Reading Time : 1 day
Category : Motivational

Some things in life can termed as small and some very small with regards to this book, I think it should be termed as miniscule, with regards to the number of pages that is. And that is very its minutiae ends, for it is a book which covers a quantum leap in terms of thought. Jonathan Livingston Seagull is the story of a ordinary seagull who fed up with the mundane life aims for the higher skies. He is mocked by his near and dear ones but his aspirations to fly higher and higher do not fade. He has to suffer initial boycott by other seagulls. He finds a “Guru” in Chiang another sea gull who dared to dream big and achieve it. Jonathan Livingston Seagull finally achieves the success he wished for and starts training the other ambitious sea gulls. The trend of dreaming big, achieving it and training the ambitious gulls continues. He then emphasizes on “working on love”, meaning forgiving the loved ones and helping the weak ones. The story ends with this moral. This book can be quite inspirational for all of you, who are preparing for CAT and have dreams of your own. There is a lot to learn from this book.

book review for jonathan livingstone seagull

Some amazing quotes from the book:

  • “If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time, we’ve destroyed our own brotherhood! But overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. And in the middle of Here and Now, don’t you think that we might see each other once or twice?”
  • “You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there.”
  • “You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way”
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