Logical Reasoning puzzles: Logical Reasoning puzzles will help you in sharpening your analytical skills
Logical Reasoning puzzles have questions based on a set along with detailed solutions. Logical Reasoning puzzles help you in working on your analytical skills and hence will help you attempt Logical Reasoning sets in the exam more accurately. Try to solve a wide variety of Logical Reasoning puzzles in timed slots to help improve your performance in this section.
Directions for the question set:
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that two persons sit on each of the four sides of the table facing the center. Persons sitting on opposite sides are exactly opposite to each other.
D faces North and sits exactly opposite to H. E; is to the immediate left of H. A and G sit on the same side. G is exactly opposite of B who is to the immediate right of C. A is sitting to the left of D.
1. Who is sitting opposite to A?
(a) G
(b) D
(c) E
(d) A
(e) None of these
2. Who is next to E in a clockwise direction?
(a) G
(b) B
(c) F
(d) A or F
(e) None of these
3. Which of the following pairs of persons has both the persons sitting on the same side with the first person sitting to the right of the second person?
(a) FC
(b) DF
(C) CB
(d) AG
(e) None of these
4. Who is sitting opposite to E?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) F
(d) A or D
(e) None of these
5. Which of the following statements is definitely true?
(a) A is facing North
(b) E is sitting opposite to F
(c) F is to the left of G
(d) C is to the left of A
(e) None of these
Answers and Explanations: Click the down arrow to expand

Answer 1: (e) C sits to the opposite of A. Correct option is (e).
Answer 2: (b) B is the required person sitting next to E in a clockwise direction. Correct option is (b)
Answer 3: (d) A is sitting to the right of G. Correct option is (d)
Answer 4: (c) F is sitting opposite E. Correct option is (c).
Answer 5: (b) E is sitting opposite F. Correct option is (b)
Extra tips for Logical Reasoning puzzles:
• Use the diagram method to solve Logical Reasoning puzzles.
• Leave the data you are unsure about in Logical Reasoning puzzles and fair down the data that you have successfully decoded.
• Try solving Logical Reasoning puzzles from a variety of subtopics to strengthen your analytical skills.