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Logical reasoning ranking questions: logical reasoning ranking questions that you should solve for better concept understanding

Logical reasoning ranking questions and ordering arrangement questions form the maximum proportion out of the different type of questions asked. The logical reasoning ranking questions can be asked in the form of puzzles, races, games and tournaments, blood relations and building storey problems. In order to solve such questions, you need to be skilful in sorting and arranging different pieces of information that are given in the question. Along with this, you need to judge if there is any redundant information and eliminate it from your solution. Therefore, you need the right kind of practice to solve logical reasoning ranking questions and excel the entire set in the exam.

Directions for the question set:
Study the following information to answer the given questions:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are sitting in a straight line facing north. Each one of them lives on a different floor in the same building which is numbered from one to seven.

• Q sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th floor.
• Either Q or the person living on the 6th floor sits at the extreme ends of the line.
• Only one person sits between Q and W. W lives on the 3rd floor.
• The person living on 1st floor sits third to the right of S.
• S is not an immediate neighbour of W.
• Only one person lives between T and the person who lives on the 2nd floor.
• P and R, are immediate neighbours of each other. P does not live on the 6th floor.
• One who lives on 5th floor sits third to the right of the one who lives on the 7th floor.

Question 1: Who amongst the following lives on the 4th floor?
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) R
(d) S
(e) V

Question 2: On which of the following floors does T live?
(a) 1st
(b) 2nd
(c) 5th
(d) 6th
(e) 7th

Question 3: How many floors are there between the floors on which V and P live?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None

Question 4: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) W
(b) T
(c) S
(d) P
(e) Q

Question 5: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) T – 2nd floor
(b) R – 7th floor
(c) V – 3rd floor
(d) S – 5th floor
(e) Q – 6th floor

Question 6: Which of the following is true with respect to the given arrangement?
(a) The one who lives on the 5th floor is an immediate neighbour of S
(b) V lives on the 1st floor
(c) T sits second to the left of the person who lives on 2nd floor
(d) R and V are immediate neighbours of each other
(e) The one who lives on the 4th floor sits at one of the extreme ends of the line

Question 7: If all the persons are made to live in alphabetical order from the bottom-most floor to the top-most floor (i .e. P lives on the 1st floor, Q lives on the 2nd floor and finally W lives on the 7th floor) who would still live on the same floor as the original arrangement?
(a) R
(b) V
(c) W
(d) T
(e) S

Answers and Explanations: Click the down arrow to expand

Common Solution for the set: The following is the sequence for the given individuals (left to right): Either Q or the person living on the 6th floor sits at the extreme ends of the line. Q sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th floor.

Only one person sits between Q and W. W lives on the 3rd floor. (three arrangements are possible)

Here two arrangements are not possible because this statement contradicting The person living on 1st floor sits third to the right of S. S is not an immediate neighbour of W. So, we left with second one So, S can sit left on extreme end.

Only one person lives between T and the person who lives on the 2nd floor. T will sit between Q & W T will be on 1st floor

Finally, S live on 4th floor and V lives on 2nd floor.

Answer 1: (d) S lives on the fourth floor. Correct option is (d)

Answer 2: (a) T lives on 1st floor. Correct option is (a)

Answer 3: (b) The required number of floors between floor V and P, are 2. Correct option is (b)

Answer 4: (c) Because all other alphabets live on odd numbered floors Thus, the correct option is (c).

Answer 5: (e) Because the trend is adding one to the current living floor, the correct option is (e) But in Q it is subtracting 1 floor from the current floor. Correct option is (e).

Answer 6: (e) S lives on the 4th floor sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Correct option is (e).

Answer 7: (e) New arrangements according to question

S would still remain the 4th floor. Correct option is (e).

Extra tips for logical reasoning ranking questions:
• Use the diagrammatic approach to solve logical reasoning ranking questions quickly in the exam.
• Do not get stuck in the set and lose track of time (even if you have decoded a major chunk as large as 70-80%) as you will lose on potential sets and hence marks ahead.
• While attempting the logical reasoning ranking questions , do not get stuck on the last question of the set even if you have successfully solved others. Move ahead and come back with leftover time.

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