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Epistemic Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Exuberant


"I did not expect the overflow, exuberant crowds, and I definitely did not expect to see such an immediate and effective pivot from the Biden message of 'save democracy' to a Harris campaign that is so plainly emphasizing optimism and hope." - The New York Times

Explanatory Paragraph:

Imagine you're playing with your friends, and you're so happy and full of energy that you can't stop jumping and laughing. When someone is super happy and lively like that, we say they are "exuberant." It's when you feel so much joy that you just can't keep it inside!

Meaning: Feeling extremely happy and full of energy (adjective)

Pronunciation: ig-ZOO-buh-rant

Difficulty Level: ⭐⭐⭐ (Intermediate)

Etymology: From Latin 'exuberare' meaning 'be abundant, grow luxuriantly'

Synonyms & Antonyms:

Synonyms: joyful, energetic, lively, enthusiastic, spirited, bubbly, vibrant

Antonyms: subdued, gloomy, lethargic, apathetic, melancholic

Usage Examples:

  1. The children were exuberant as they played in the park.
  2. Her exuberant personality made everyone smile.
  3. He was exuberant after winning the game.
  4. The puppy was exuberant, wagging its tail excitedly.

Cultural Reference:

"I have to be a little exuberant if I'm going to get through this thing." - Bette Midler in "Beaches" (1988)

Think About It:

Can too much exuberance ever be a bad thing? In what situations might it be inappropriate to be exuberant?

Quick Activity:

Write a short paragraph describing the most exuberant moment in your life. What made it so joyful and energetic?

Memory Tip:

Think "EX-uber-ANT" - Picture an extremely (EX) happy ant driving an Uber car, bouncing with joy!

Real-World Application:

Understanding and using "exuberant" can help in describing positive emotions vividly in writing or speech. It's particularly useful in fields like journalism, literature, psychology, and marketing where precise emotional descriptions are valuable.

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