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Five friends Megha, Richa, Meera, Sona, and Manpreet participated in a race competition. The following outcomes are there
1. There was only one winner
2. Megha was not first
3. Meera was neither first nor last
4. Sona came in one place after Megha
5. Manpreet was not second
6. Richa was two places below Manpreet
In what order did the friends end the race?

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Possible cases for all the girls Megha = 2, 3, 4 Meera = 2, 3, 4 Sona = 3, 4, 5, Manpreet = 1, 3 Richa = 3, 5

So now Megha cannot be in fifth place because Sona came one place after her, Meera can be on second, third and fourth place. Now if we place Megha at second place, then Sona should be on the third place, Meera is neither last nor first, so the place for her left is fourth but it is given that Richa is in 2 places below Manpreet, so this combination is not true. Now let’s say that Manpreet is on the first position: so Richa will on Third position. So by statement 4, Sona is in place below than Megha so Megha cannot be in second position. So Meera is second and Sona is last where as Megha is in fourth position 1. Manpreet 2. Meera 3. Richa 4. Megha 5. Sona

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