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Recommendation 1 from ‘Idea times’

Article Name:‘Voyager 1 leaves for infinity’

By: Jeffrey Kluger

Reasons why out-of-school suspensions don’t work are fairly obvious. Giving students what amounts to a free day or two off doesn’t actually feel like punishment for most kids, especially those who may already be hostile towards school to begin with.


The article deals with suspending students from school and if it makes any difference or not. The author describes how irrelevant it is suspending students who are hostile to school anyways. Treating that period as a free time the students might indulge in other wrong activities. Often schools are short on resources to deal with students with disciplinary issues and eliminate the students for a temporary period rather than eliminating the problem permanently.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

1: Ameliorate: Making something better
2: Exacerbate: Going from bad to worse
3: Detention: The punishment of being kept in school after studying hours.

Recommendation 2 from ‘Science times”

Article Name:‘Voyager 1 leaves for infinity’

By: Jeffrey Kluger

We believe this is the last leg of our journey to interstellar space,” said Stone at Monday’s press conference. “Our best guess is that it’s likely just a few months to a couple of years away.


A factual article, discusses the timeline of the first man made machine’s journey into space and discusses the journey of the Voyager space vehicles. This article is a wonderful illustration about space journeys, how they take to evolve, and in a way, help us understand how inconsequential can life of a human being be in the larger context.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

1: Interstellar Medium: n astronomy, the interstellar medium is the matter that exists in the space between the star systems in a galaxy. This matter includes gas in ionic, atomic, and molecular form, dust, and cosmic rays.
2: Apparently: Obviously-seemingly-clearly

Recommendation 3 from ‘The New york times’

Article Name:‘Social media blues’


As you have seen, dear reader, over sharing and status anxiety are twinned phenomena turning humanity into crazed dogs chasing their tails.


A simple idea discussed by the author. Social media does not mean you have to be social on every little thing you do. He tells us that how women and teenagers tweet or posts their little activities from picking up pet food to mourning about a bad relation. The author tells that we are becoming like dogs and chasing our own tails, also he discusses how it does lead to anxiety and other psychological issues.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

1: Unctuous: Excessively or ingratiatingly flattering
2: Debase: Reduce in quality or value
3: Dreaded: Regarded with great fear or apprehension:



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