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Recommendation 1 from ‘The Times of India’

Article Name:‘Vidya Balan says desirability has nothing to do with body type’

By: ‘Anil Thakkar’

Well, it is for a fact that attractiveness has nothing to do with physical beauty. However, the view and counterview in this article is confusing two scenarios .i.e. of attractiveness and of projecting women as piece of meat in media. Wearing skimpy clothes and being super skinny is not attractive that is just being fashionable.


The article is the combination of view and counterview. The view supports the statement of Digvijay Singh when he says that the elder leaders should retire to make way for the younger leaders, as in order to answer the aspirations of the country where almost 50% of the population is under the age of 25, this is the only way. Further, there is also a cynicism about the generation gap in the political class. However, the counterview states that when it comes to the governance of the country, it is the experience of the old that matters.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Desirability: Appeal
Multidimensional: Multifaceted

Recommendation 2 from ‘Foreign Policy’

Article Name:‘Me against the world’

By: ‘J.M. Berger’

TInteresting is the only word as you read the detailed account of the man in Foreign Policy’s exclusive. Whats more interesting is that a man living in America must have had at least 10% of American values of freedom and liberty, still he went ahead and joined the group. The say that the article has been written in a way that the reader is bound to learn about the bloody ways that are taken to in these situations.


The article is talking about an American Jihadi, from Alabama, Omar Hammami who first appeared in media when he supported Al Shabbab’s Jihadist insurgency in Somalia through is rapping videos. Apparently, he had gone to Somalia to be a part of this. However, at present his life is in danger due to the difference between him and Al Shabaab due to the matters of Sharia and strategy. This revelation was made in newly posted video by his PR representative. Article also mentions about a 127 page autobiography of the man in question which is packed with details from his training to how such differences crept in.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Strategy: Plan
Unprecedented: Unparalleled
Breach: Violate
Propaganda: Misinformation

Recommendation 3 from ‘The Guardian’

Article Name:‘Anti-lesbianism is a ruse to keep all women in our place’’

By: ‘Julie Bindel’

Today when half of the countries in the world are witnessing a revolution in terms of same rights for homosexuals, this article evokes disgust. It sounds so inhuman when a person is required to pretend to be someone else whereas in reality what he is not. Further, as a society, which in a way means support system of an individual, he is supposed to accept everyone the way he. Alas!


The article is talking about the anti-lebianism sentiment that has been aired in public by the press itself far too many times. It cites the example of Carina Trimingham who is having an affair with Chris Hune. In this scenario lady is being bashed for not being pretty and for turning from lesbian to bisexual. Article points out that lesbian is such a stigmatised word that lesbians themselves are afraid to use it. Writer points out that as far as being lesbian is concerned women including her have had to endure abuse many times. Citing the examples of a show on BBC Naughty Girls, writer states that even if women are lesbian they should have the courtesy to look like a male fantasy in the least.

Read the full article here.

Learn Words from the article:

Discrimination: Bias
Feasible: Possible
Paradoxically: Ironically



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