

Content Ad 002

This is a video that spoils you for choice. You cannot decide which word to choose: one the one hand, you have the words that come to mind as soon as you think of fevicol (adhesion and steadfast), and on the other hand, you see the perfect rural representation in these videos. Well, we choose to go with the latter. The word in question here is RUSTIC, a word describing the simple country life and how it goes about. The facets of rural life seem to be compressed in a single vehicle in this advert, where else can you spot such a depiction? Kudos to the creators of this advert.

Pronunciation: ruhs-tik

Meanings of Rustic:
1. Of, relating to, or typical of country life or country people. See Synonyms at rural.
2. Lacking refinement or elegance; coarse/ Charmingly simple or unsophisticated.
3. Made of unfinished or roughly finished wood: rustic furniture.
4. A rural person.
5. A person regarded as crude, coarse, or simple.

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