Mnemonic Aid to Learn Stipulate:
Mnemonic time! Love the breakdown for this word:
Stipulate = Staple It.
Staple what?
The terms and conditions at the end of agreement, the ones that are made compulsory and obligatory by it.
Meanings of Stipulate:
1. To lay down as a condition of an agreement; require by contract.
2. To specify or arrange in an agreement: stipulate a date of payment and a price.
3. To guarantee or promise (something) in an agreement.
Sentence Examples for Stipulate:
1. It’s not easy to get out of terms stipulated in the contract.
2. The judge stipulated some pretty tough conditions in the divorce agreement.
3. The government stipulates the conditions in a tender.
4. Lovers never stipulate terms and conditions, for theirs is bonds of love and not a contract.