picture for svelte

Look smart and dapper?
Absolutely in shape and possess a slender figure?
Or are you sophisticated and refined in your mannerisms?
In case you are, you have a svelte personality.
In case you are none of the above, you are an uncouth…J

The dictionary definitions for svelte are as follows:
1. Attractively or gracefully slim; slender. (adjective)
2. Urbane or sophisticated. (adjective)

Masters Tip to remember Svelte:
A simple mnemonic to help you learn the word: Svelte is an antonym of swell it (expanding abnormally).

Usage Examples for Svelte:
1. She had never been what you might call svelte, but then she had left town and gone to live in Baltimore, and by the time she came back shed piled on the pounds.
2. Researchers found that many overweight mothers and their offspring were not as svelte as they thought. – The Huffington Post, “Joanna Dolgoff, M.D.: Are You Underestimating Your Childs Weight?”
3. High-tech products from svelte laptops to lightning-fast digital networks make it easier than ever for globe-trotting businesspeople to cut deals from practically anywhere. -The Wall Street Journal, “Dodging Big Smartphone Rates Abroad”

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