

Meaning, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms for Brainwash This is one fascinating word, right? In fact, this is one of those words which has an extremely interesting word origin as well. Word Origin for Brainwash The term brainwashing came into use in 1950s, through the...


Brad(noun) is conventionally the term assigned for thin nails with projected heads on all sides or on one side only. As a slang, brad is referent to a lover who is exceedingly sweet and caring and also fantastic in bed. Pronunciation: brad Meanings of Brad A thin nail...


Word Origin for Banish: The word banish came into English through the old French word, banir, which means “levy; forbid; banish, proclaim an outlaw”. The way to learn this word is pretty straightforward actually. Just remember the word ‘ban’. Banish means...

Bow wow

They can all say what they want Cause you make it do what it do But you just keep living your life And they can keep wasting time hating on you ~ Bow wow-Better Lyrics The above lyrics are written for a girl who can be termed as ‘Bow-wow’. It’s a slang to refer to an...


Part of Speech: Noun Origin: British Bingo is a slang word used when one has to convey that he/she has done something with absolute accuracy. For example if you are solving a really hard “Prove that” sort of sum in math and you are successful in getting the answer (by...


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