Auger & Augur

Auger & Augur

One is a tool, and the other is a prediction about the future. When you use an auger, you use a tool to drill a hole. Augur, on the other hand, always relates to premonition. As a verb, it means to predict or foretell. As a noun, augur indicates something that is...
Accept & Except

Accept & Except

The only thing common about these words is their pronunciation. With vastly different meanings and grammatical functions, these two words can be and should be easily distinguished. Accept is verb that means “to receive, admit, regard as true, say yes.” For example: I...
CAT 2022 : 30 Must Know Greek Root Words

CAT 2022 : 30 Must Know Greek Root Words

Greek Root Words: Greek Root Words have contributed to the English language enormously. Greek Root Words can be found in English in the form of adjective, adverb, noun, verb and what not! Even many famous English names are actually Greek Root Words. You may have heard...
Chafe & Chaff

Chafe & Chaff

Two words with similar spelling and similar pronunciation, but when it comes to their meaning, they have a sea of difference. Chaff is the leftover material obtained when wheat is threshed (beat the seeds out of a grain). The leftover material (that is other than the...