

Mnemonic aid to learn cogent: Cogent can be learnt easily by associating it with words co + agent and we can call it as cooperative agents and as cogent means a convincing arguments, we can say that cooperative agents are adept at making cogent arguments....


This word is closely related to crud, which refers to something that is contemptible or loathsome, it could also mean something that is disgusting or worthless. But crut generally is not that offensive as the word crud. It can be used instead of the word “crap”....


The easiest way to remember cantankerous is to break it into Kaan+tank +rasta. So cantankerous is used to describe an aggressive person who fights without provocation and jo Kaan(ear) mein Tank ghusa deta hai chilla chilla ke! Pronunciation – kan-tang-ker-uhs...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Connubial Connubial and nuptial have similar suffix and sound similar.Nuptial has the same meaning as connubial. So it’s easy to remember connubial from nuptial. The adjective connubial is used to describe something that relates to marriage or to...


This is a clever-clever advert. Have a look: The two guards in this implement a super clever maneuver in order to implement a scheme. This plotting and scheming, when merged with cleverness, is referred to as contriving something. In most senses, this word is used in...


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