Inane & Insane

Inane & Insane

This is one of the prettiest looking usage differences: the difference of a single S in two words that actually have a decent sound. Inane, implying stupidity, is a characteristic of insane (meaning mad) individuals. There is a simple way to learn these two words....
Impinge & Infringe

Impinge & Infringe

Infringe, originating from the Latin word infringere meaning to break something, is a word that is often used in the legal sense. When someone breaks the law, we say he has carried out an infringement. Infringement is a team that is also used in sports and is used to...
Immunity & Impunity

Immunity & Impunity

A difference of a single letter can make a world of difference in the meanings of the words. The state of immunity is such in which one is not susceptible to anything; impunity is exemption from punishment, a state where one is totally free and not bound by any...
Inane & Insane

Fate & Fete

In this post, we have an easy difference on our hands: fate versus fete. We have all been to some fete or the other, and in case we have never been to one, in that case, we really cannot challenge such a fate of ours. Fate means something that is unavoidable such as a...
Farther & Further

Farther & Further

Two words, very similar spelling, a letter here and there, and we are left with a problem in our hands! How unfair is that? We are the ones who need to learn the difference between these two words. Keeping the rancor aside, let’s get down to the job. Farther and...