Peruse & Pursue

Peruse & Pursue

Combined usage for the words: To pursue a career in library management allows you the chance to peruse through books. When you peruse through something, you examine is closely. The word comes from the Latin root ‘per-’, meaning through, across, over; beyond, by means...
Peruse & Pursue

Personal & Personnel

Personal has the following meanings:- 1. Done by an individual without intervention by another: “No other member of the family supported her as it was her personal decision to marry out of caste.” 2. Relating to one’s body, private: “The Chief...
Knotty & Naughty

Knotty & Naughty

This is one of the easier usage differences that most of us would know. Knotty is related to the word knots. What are knots? Knots are ties and bonds that we get into, if you tie a knot wrong, it takes a lot of time to untangle it. When situations get knotty, it means...
Knock & Nock

Knock & Nock

Well, nock is actually a common misspelling for knock (the silent k does a lot of people in). But the curious fact is that nock is a word in itself, and in general is used to refer to the notch at the end of the arrow into which the bowstring fits. Tool tip to...
Jealous & Zealous

Jealous & Zealous

Two words that came from the same source but somewhere along the line, diverged in spelling, meaning and application. Jealousy is a word we have all used, or rather, an emotion most of us have felt at some point of time. Jealous characterizes a person who is overly...