Magnate & Magnet

Magnate & Magnet

Magnate is a word that comes to from Latin. Magnate, derived from from the Late Latin magnas, refers to a great man. ‘Magnus’ in itself implies ‘great’, with the word designating a noble or other man in high social position. This term was applied to the Turkish...
Livid & Vivid

Livid & Vivid

The vivid colors of his face concealed his livid emotions. The livid colors his face did not reveal his vivid personality. The sentences above are correct. They are absolutely correct, though each has a different implication. Livid originated from the Latin word...
Plebeian & Proletarian

Plebeian & Proletarian

Plebeian means common or ordinary individual or behavior: “The daughter of the knight has refused to marry the soldier as he is a plebeian belonging to lower class of society.” Proletarian means a person who has low social status; such as, a member of the...
Peruse & Pursue

Peruse & Pursue

Combined usage for the words: To pursue a career in library management allows you the chance to peruse through books. When you peruse through something, you examine is closely. The word comes from the Latin root ‘per-’, meaning through, across, over; beyond, by means...
Peruse & Pursue

Personal & Personnel

Personal has the following meanings:- 1. Done by an individual without intervention by another: “No other member of the family supported her as it was her personal decision to marry out of caste.” 2. Relating to one’s body, private: “The Chief...
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