

Origin of the word Engender: Engender, etymologically, descends from the Latin roots ‘en’ (meaning to) and ‘gener re’, (meaning to produce, also the root for generate). So basically it equates to: To generate or to produce. Produce what? One of the meanings of...


Locked in a fight you cannot escape? In the midst of war-zone? Struggling on all ends to keep things in control? You are embattled, that is in the middle of a battle: Like the countless AFRICAN HEADS OF STATE are EMBATTLED at the moment, in a attempt to save their...


Origin of the word EUTHANASIA: Euthanasia basically means an easy way of dying. This is at times a need of people who are suffering from extreme disease and have no chance of recovery. As a method to escape the suffering, they wish to be killed. In simple terms, this...


Origin & Usage of the word Egghead This is one of the best origin stories I have come across and I absolutely relate to it on a personal level. The reason is simple: I am an egghead to (totally bald that is). Egghead does not sound to be flattering word but is...


High time we used a headline to learn a word: ‘Eclectic architecture, exquisite features: The Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram is a blend of Dravidian and Kerala styles.’ The article describes the style of the temple at Thiruvananthapuram and...


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