

The job an airline attendant can get quite boring. The same routine to be done over and over againg can actually cause a lot more fatigue than in the normal case. This is where we need the human brain to come up with a way to beat this boredom. Have a look at this:...


Have a look at the VIDEO below: The schweppervescence here is actually effervescence, the process when small bubbles escape from a liquid. In fact, each carbonated drink exhibits this property of emitting bubbles. In the extended sense, there bubbles become symbols of...


Origin of the word Espionage: Espionage has the same source as the word spy, and etymologically a spy means someone who ‘looks’. These words are adapted from the old French word ‘espie’, meaning watcher. The same ‘espie’ makes the word ‘espionage’, which is what spies...


Exile is the condition when one lives away from one’s country. This can be either forced due to certain circumstances or one can impose it on oneself. For example, the famous Indian painter MF Hussain had to spend the last years of his life in exile. This was due to...


Eulogy, pronounced as yoo-luh-jee, is usually the praise one receives when one is dead. The main character in the advert given below has her own form of expressing her praise. In her case, emotions do flow out and it makes the ad a particularly touching one. It is one...
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