

Mnemonic tip for Futile: Futile: PHAT GAYI MISSILE! sab ho gaya waste, sab ho gaya futile! Something more about ‘Futile’ 1550s, from M.Fr. futile, from L. futilis “vain, worthless, futile,” Meanings of Futile : 1. completely useless and ineffective 2. not...


A fetish is an extremely strong devotion to something. There are sexual fetishes and nonsexual fetishes-both are obsessive interests. The most common use of the word fetish is probably the sexual meaning. Someone with a foot fetish is abnormally interested in feet and...


This video left me in splits and the boy did suffer a ‘flashback’ for sure. He is all of a sudden transported back in time and he does comfortably slip back into his past life. The coming back of his memories can be labeled as ‘reminiscence’, in simple words, a...


Mnemonic tip for Forlorn: Sar pe FOUR LOANS! Forlorn/sad hi hoge jab sar pe Four Loan ka karza ho! Meanings of Forlorn: 1. Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned/Forsaken or deprived: forlorn of all hope. 2. Wretched or pitiful in appearance or...


Mnemonic tip for Fulminate: Fulminate bole to GUSSA FULL MINUTE! Verbal Attack kissi pe launch karna with supreme anger! Iska ek meaning ‘detonate’ bhi hai, which basically means ‘bomb phatna’. Ab kissi ko bomb phatne jitna gussa karoge to blast hi hoga na! Meanings...


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