

‘Furtive’ bole to ‘Fart’ive Ab ‘fart’ openly to karoge nahi, chupke hi karoge.. Dictionary Kya Bolti Hai Furtive ke Baare Mein: 1. Taken, done, used, etc., surreptitiously or by stealth; secret: a furtive glance. 2. Sly; shifty: a furtive manner.   Want to...


When fists are made into cuffs, it is not supposed to be a pleasant scene, may be chaotic and bloody too. Fisticuffs can bring an event to a complete halt and physical consequences can be severe too.  It is a noun. Origin Its first usage dates back to 1595-1605 and is...


See the video below: Not a particularly warm video, is it? And not a nice feeling when something like this happens in such FREEZING cold? It surely is a bad morning. The freezing cold shown in the video above is known as frigid cold. Frigid also depicts coldness of...
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