

Mnemonic tip for Hyperbole: Hyperbole BOLE to ‘hyper bolna’. Hyper means ‘excessive’. So hyperbole means ‘excessive speech’, that is extravagant exaggeration in speech which is basically used for creating emphasis. Meaning of Hyperbole: 1. A figure of speech in which...


Pronunciation: hi-ster-ee-uh, -steer- Have a look at the video below: Well, this is what ROCK BANDS cause: HYSTERIA. They have a mad mad following and they generate a mad mad response (feels great to be a part of it). The dictionary definitions for Hysteria are as...


HAPLESS bole to TOTALLY HELPLESS, jiska koi aasra nahi. Dictionary Kya Bolti Hai hapless ke Baare Mein: 1. Deserving or inciting pity   Want to explore more Hinglish Words? Flabbergasted Tirade Utopia Cerebral Charlatan Explore Our Hinglish Words...


Crimes are always heinous. Raping someone is a heinous act. Terrorist bombings are heinous actions. Each of these acts reeks of wickedness and evil. That is what heinous is all about: being evil, wicked and intolerable. The dictionary definitions for Heinous are as...


One should never rush in making one’s judgment. One can always make a mistake in one’s haste (that is one’s eagerness to act as soon/fast as possible). Dictionary Definitions for Haste:: 1. Rapidity of action or motion. (noun) 2. Overeagerness to act. (noun) 3. Rash...


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