

Meaning, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms for Ignominy Ignominy, the word, expresses a feeling all of us have felt at some point of time in our lives. In fact, this feeling is extremely hard to avoid and if you say you have never ever felt such a thing in your lives,...


Meaning, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms for Wayfarer The way of a wayfarer: The video below is about a free spirit, one who wanders from place to place, an exploration without constraints. What would you to give to be a free spirit such as this? Travelling from one...


HAHAHAHAHA!! Bichara frog! Ladki ke intertwined baalon ke chakkar mein reh gaya daddu ka daddu . The knotty ,entangled and intertwined hair are untangled by the lotion. Well, the daddu did not see this coming! Pronunciation: in-ter-twahyn Meanings of Intertwined: 1....


Inevitable is an adjective and is used for something that is impossible to avoid or run away from and is bound to happen. It was first used back around 1400 and has been derived from the Latin word inēvītābilis. Pronunciation: in-ev-i-tuh-buhl Meanings of Inevitable...


Indifference (noun) is the trait of lacking interest or enthusiasm in things. When you feel indifference for something, you neither like it nor dislike it. Pronunciation: in-dif-er-uh ns Origin of Indifference: First known use of indifference was in 15th century....


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