

It is difficult to imagine how someone can hate something so much. However, after reading about Misogamy, you will know the reason for so many bachelors in our world. Origin of Misogamy Its first usage dates back to 1560 – 1656 and unlike its meaning, it is made...


Maxim, proverb, gnome, aphorism, apothegm, sententia–all mean the same thing: they represent a short, easily remembered expression of a basic principle, general truth, or rule of conduct. They are essentially nuggets of wisdom served to you in a short and sweet...


The root ‘mal/malus’ signifies anything bad, wrong or evil. And if we look closely, each of the above words has a quotient of bad added to it. Wish to learn more about this root? Read here. Read further on malediction here: http://wordpandit.com/2011/malediction/ The...


Have a close read of the cartoon strip below: Well, you would have a sense of what the word means by now: women hater. Misogyny comes from the Greek roots, misein and gyne. Misein means to hate and gyne means women (always remember a gynaecologist: a doctor that...


As we can guess easily, multitude comes from ‘multi’. The same ‘multi-‘ appears in a number of words, with the most common being multiply. That is exactly what this prefix does: it multiplies in numbers. Multitude refers to the state of being huge or great in numbers....


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