

Origin of the word Neonate: Neonate is a word that comes from the same Latin word root as Nascent, ‘nasc-,nat-’, meaning ‘born or birth’. Some words based on this root are: Natal: Relating to or accompanying birth. Prenatal: Occurring or existing before birth....


If there is one resplendent with the fragrance of life, then it is nascent. This words points to the start, the origin, the conception of everything. And its origin is deeply linked with its meaning. Nascent is derived from the Latin Root ‘nasc-,nat-’, meaning ‘born...


Origin of the word Nemesis: In Greek, ‘nemesis’ means ‘to give what is due’. In Greek Mythology, Nemesis was the spirit and Goddess of divine retribution against those who succumb to arrogance before the Gods. Quoting from Wikipedia: The word Nemesis originally meant...


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