

Mnemonic tip for Ossify: OSSFIY=ASTHIFY Ossify bole to change into bones, that is change into asthis! Meaning’s of Ossify: 1. To change into bone; become bony. 2. To become set in a rigidly conventional pattern Pronunciation: os-uh-fahy   Keep In Mind: Please...


Omnipresent is a word made of two parts: omni and present. The omni in this stands for ‘all, everywhere’ and we all know the meaning of ‘present’. That makes the meaning of omnipresent a simple deduction: something that is present everywhere and at all times. God is...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Ominous: A simple equation to learn the word: Ominous: Bad omens! We all know what omens are, right? Omens are ‘a sign of something about to happen’ and these are little things that we take out from our everyday life. Meaning of Ominous: 1....


Overweening in Context: In the given context, overweening shows Rupert Mudoch’s influence and how it forced a prime minister to flow out to meet him. Obviously, this word can be negative only. And remember, the word ‘over’ is always used as a negative suffix. For...


Obscurantism is word that comes to us from the word obscure. Obscure, we all know, means to make things less visible or clear. It is making things hazy. And obscurantism is a policy of opposition to enlightenment or the spread of knowledge, that is to make knowledge...


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