

Ravage bole to Ravan’s age, a time of destruction and terrible happenings. Pronunciation: rav-ij Dictionary Kya Bolti Hai Ravage ke Baare Mein: 1. To bring heavy destruction on; devastate. 2. To pillage; sack   Want to explore more Hinglish Words? Suggestive...


Paisa! Mil jo jaye thoda paisa! Thoda se thoda zyada paisa! Bas milta rahe yeh paisa! Paisa! Paisa! Paisa! This greed, avarice or longing for money/wealth/food/anything that can he acquired is called rapacity. Pronunciation: ruh-pas-i-tee The dictionary definitions...


Ram ka Pant har jagah hai,  simply meaning God is Everywhere, found in all place without any checks and restrains. He is RAMPANT. Dictionary Kya Bolti Hai Rampant ke Baare Mein: 1.Extending unchecked; unrestrained: a rampant growth of wild flowers. 2. Occurring...


Shouting in an Echo? Reverberating may be the resounding of voice in an echo, or continuity in reflection of light. Pronunciation: ri-vur-buh-reyt; adj. ri-vur-ber-it The dictionary definitions of Reverberating are as follows: 1. To become reflected 2. To become...


Renege in Context: People often do this. At times it becomes part of their nature: to renege agreements, promises and like. Barack Obama has done it and that is what the paragraph highlights. He has backed down on a few of his promises, in other words, he has reneged...
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